Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 85 of the Church might be made too nar- row; and thereby many valuable Men kept out of it ; and that if all the an- cient Ceremonies had been entirely laid afide, great Numbers would have been driven out of her Communion. And therefore, for the Sake of may Thou- lands, 'twas agreed that a few innocent and ancient Ufages fhould be retain'd, fuch as were pratifed long before Popery had extended its tyrannical Dominion over the Chriflian Church. And as fo. me diflinguiJhing Habit was thought expedient, none feem'd fo proper as That thePeople had been accaom'd to, and were already furnished with. The Clergy were then fo poor, that they could fcarce buy themfelves decent Clothes. " But to this (fays Mr. .Pl.) e. s6. " could not the Parifh provide a " Gown, or fome other decent Ap- " parel ?" Not fo eafily as he imagines. Popifh Church Wardens and Parifhio- ners, as the Generality of the Nation then were, would not be very ready to purchafe new Habits when they had old ones by them. As Mr. N. has, upon this Occafion, quoted Bishop Burnet impeifedly, and then thought fit to add, " upon THESE Mender Reafons thee. 56. " Garments were continued. 'Tis but f ultice to the Bishop, to tranfcribe the G 3 whole