Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 88 ] to make further Alterations, as follows. " Be it enacted, that fuch Ornaments of " the Church, and the Minifters there- " of, fhall be retain'd and be in Ufe, as cc it was in this Church of England by " Authority of Parliament, in the zd " Year of the Reign of K. EdwardVI. until other Orders fhall be there- " in taken by the Authority of the " ,jueen's 1VIg 'je/ly, with the Advice of " her Commif/ioners, appointedandau- " thorized under thegreat Seal of Eng- " landfor Caufes Ecclefia/ical, or of cc the Metropolitan." In Confequence of this Power the' Queen did, in the very flrfl Year of her Reign, appoint that very Form of Habit í1d in the FIFTH of King Edward, which Mr. 1V camplains was laid afide by the At of Uniformity. It had been more gene- rous and impartial to have mentioned this Inftance of the Queen's Conde- fcediion, than to afperfe her Reforma- tion, as being hardly equal to King Edward's, upon this Account of the Habits, when fhe herfelf; with great lIndailgence to the Puritans, fet afide the Habits of the ¡econd, and appointed thofe of the Rib Year : The Queen's Injunction, which upon manyAccounts deferves great Regard, is as follows. 4C 1nj.