Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 90 P. i 5o. lowing Account of it ; how unfairly to the good Queen, theReader will judge, by comparing them together. " Art. 3o. All Archbifhops and Bi- " chops, and all that preach or admi- nifter the Sacraments, or that (hall " be admitted into any Ecclefiaftical " Vocation, or into either of the Uni- " verfities, fhall wear fuch Garments cc and fquare Caps, as were worn in " the Reign [leaving out thofe im or- " tant Words THE LATTER YEAR of " King Edward VI." It plainly ap- pears, that the Habits Queen Eliza- beth enjoin'd were not fo properly Po- pifh as Protef}ant Habits ; worn in King Edward's Time, in the laft Year of his Reign. There Habits were a Scholar's Gown, a fquare Cap, a Tippet or Scarf (to thofe who were entitled to wear one) and in the Church a white Surplice. It fhould further be coniï- der'd, whether thefe Habits were not e#fe&ually diftinguifh'd from the Popifh Garments ; 'tis certain they were not confecrated with Prayer, crofhng and fprinkling with holy Water, as the Po- pith Vefhnents were. 'Twas only the Surplice, that could in any Senfe be call'd Popish, the other being acade- mical and even this had not the Cru- cifix and Grojies which were embroider- ed