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IOZ VERS.q. An Expofition, with Notes be, but they do no-t' ir»pfl or eNforce; for he leaveth us to tbe li– berty of onr own hearts, ·~nd our own freechoyceand work; he i& refolved not to hinder us, Atl.14. 16. He (uffercd them to their own \~ays: God was not bound to hinder it, therefore per– miffion in God cannothe faulty, whobathgivm him firft ? Were grace ade6t/cwere injufiice to withhold it; and did God act out of ,. a (ervi!e mcejfity, the Creatures might rejeCl the blame of their Homo Deum ·rc · · h · · .r. ·~'h' ·· B G db· non nift e.r: fen~ m1 earnages upon t ej amtneJ s o 1 If operatzq~a : ut · o emg ·[tt fito metitur, free, neither obliged byneceffiry of nature, nor any external rut, nee de _authori· and Law, nor by ftny fore-going merit of th~ Creatures, may do tate eJ't.s cog·· with his own M it pleafoth him; * and 'tis a fuamelefs impudence !~~u!~:da;a,m in man to blame God becaufehe isfree, when himfelf cannot en– .,cc de /ibcrtate dure to be bound. qui1Hi fibrilam 3· There is aconcurrence to the ABion, thoagh not to the fin– if!Zpofttam .ve:fulnefsofit: 'Tisfaid, Aft. 17.28. Inhim'Welive, move, and ltt; Pela~wu haveem· 7Jeinu: When God made the Creatures he did not make tJmnes nafmnur . ~ · . immo cum (u. them mdependent and abfolute; we had not onely Bemg from htm, percilio phari· but £l:ill we have it in him ; Weare in him, we live in him, and [airo hie. cha- wemove in him,, we are moved or atled in him: All ~al~r Jt de created images and appearances, are but like the imprefs of a feal ~/~: 6~0~'j: upon the waters, take away the[tal, and theform vanilheth; fub- · um ve:m ex• £l:raCl the injlNence of providence, and prefendy all Creatures re– i[timat, no1z fe turn to their firft JJothing; therefore to every Ad:ion there needeth · Den, &c. the fupport and concurrence of God: fo that the bare Action or Spa~hem: .de Motion is good, and from God; but the de-ordination, andob/igraua umver- . f . . c. • h fr 'l '11 d h fali in pr~f qutty o lt, IS 1rom mao; 1t comet om an ev1 Wl , an t ere· ad Lea. · in is difcerned the free work of the Creatures. 4. There is adefertion ofa finner, and leaving of him to him– felf: God mayfu!fewd, yea, and 'WithdrawGrace out of meer fo· veraignty ; that is, becsufe he will: But he never doeh it, but ei– ther our of Juflice orWi{dom; Out of Wi[dom, for the try.el of his children, as in the bufinefsof the Embafi'adors, God left He~ekiah,thathemightk.!tow'WhatW.uinhu heart, 2(hron.-33. 31. So fometimes inJufiice, to pwnijh the wicked, as P[a. 8I, 1 z. I gave them up to their own hearts lufos, and they 'Wal~d in their own counfels.? WhenGrace is withdrawn, which lhould mode~ rate and govern the affections, man is left to the fway and impetu– ous violenceofhis own lulls: Now God cannot be blamed in all this; Partly becaufehe isnot bound to give ·or continue Grace: . Partly