Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

IU M. T. CicertJ in drat. pro rege Oriat. ' ...... An Expojiti~n, with Notes baits of lull; the truth is, all fins are rooted in love ofpleafure ; therefore be watchful, noon-day devils are moft dangerom ,and fuch things do us moH: mifchief, as betray us with fmilei and ~J{ef. Heathens were out, that advi fed to pleafures, that by experience we mighc beweaned from them, as i< T #lly faith of youth, voluptates experiendo contemnat, byufe of pleafures let it learn to difdain them, as the defires are deaded and Ratted accufromed object; But alall, this is the bait of lufr, rather then the cure; poor fouls, they did not know amore excellent way! 'Tis true,[ome curiofitJ is {atisfied by experience, but however the fpirit groweth more fottilh and fenfual; wicked men, when once they are taken in that fnare,are in amofr fad condition,and think that they can never have enough of fenfual pleafures, all delight feemeth to them too fhort; as one wifhed for aCr~enes neck.,, that he might have the longer re- . lifu ofmeats and drinks; andT.acitm fpeaketh of another glutton, that though he c<;mld fatisfie huflomtUk._, yet not hisfanq or /aft; quod edere no" p()tuit oculio devoravit, his 'Womb was fooner filled then his eye. Vetfe I 5. Then l\Jhen lufl bath conceived, it hriwgeth forth fin; · andfin, When it u Jinifbed, bringeth forth death. ·· Then 'When luft] Ehtt ,N, After this, he goeth on in defcribing the progrefs of fin: after that lufr bath by violence withdrawn, and bydelight enfnared the Soul, then fin u c6nceived; and af– ter conception , there is a bringing forth; and after the birth, death. Hath conceived,] That is, as foon as fin beginneth to form mo– tionf and impu!jies into deftres, and to ripen things into aconfent; tor Gn,or corrupt nature, having inclined the Soul unto a carnal ob– ject:, by carnal apprehenfions laboureth to fix the Soul in an evil defire : Now the titillation or deli'ght which arifeth from . fuch carnal t~oughts and apprehenfions is called the conception of finne. It bringcthforth J That is, perfed:eth fin, and bringeth it to ef– fed:, .within m, by~ full confent.and decree in the will, andWithout us, by an atlual execution ; the one is the forming and cherifhing in the womb after conception, the oth~r as the birch and pro~ dud:ion. - Sin