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no VERS.I5· AnExpofitign,withNotcs CHAP.t . {ider ' cis better fin iliould be condemned_, then you thould be con~ demned, as the ApofUe fpeaketh of the CondemnAtion offin, Rom. 8. 3. For fin, he condemnedfin in the flefh; That is , Chrifl: be.iog made a Sacrifice for fin, fin was condemned tofave the firmer: rea– fan thus within yourJelves, it is better fin jhoufd dye, then I fooufd 1 King .1o 39• dye; Thy lifegoesfot its life, as ' tis in the Prophets parable, there– fore let medeftroJ my fi14, t!Mt m] Soul may efcape. Blefs God that harh delivered you out of a finfull Slate , your V [e 3. Soul bath efcapedafnare of death; Oh,,neverlook back upon So– dam but withdeteflation, blefs God that you are efcaped. Bleffed be the Lordt~atgave me counfel in my reins, Pfal. I 6. 7· I might have been Satans bond-Oave, lulls vaffal, and have earned no other wages but my own Death, but he hath called me to life and peace, Converfion is one where expreffed, by a calling out ofd6lr/znefs in- - to amarvellous light, that's much; but in another by aTranfla– tingfrom Death to Life, that's more. -'Iis no lefs change then from Death to Life; I might have wafted away my days in pleafure, and vanity, and afterward gone to hell. Oh, blef{ed be the name cfGod for evermore , that bath delivertd me fn;m fo great a Death. Verfe ·I 6. Do not erre my belovedBrethren. The Apofile having difputed the matter with them, about Gods being the Author ofSin, he cliffwadeth them from this Blafphemy. There is no difficulty in this verfe. - · . Do not erre J p.~ 7rll.tLv(L~s ; Do not wander, a metaphor taken trom fheep, and fometimes it noteth Errors in praEtife , or going,off from the word, as a rule of righteoufnefs, as , ' cis faid, Ifa. 6+ We have erred from thy Ways; fometimes ·errorsinjudge– ment, or going off from the word, as the Standard, and muefure ~>f Truth which we moH commonly exprefs by this Terme Error. MybelovedBrethren.] Dealing with thetn about an €rror, he dealeth with them very meekly,and therefore is thecompellation fa loving and fweet. , - This verfe will afford fome points. _ . 1. 'fisnot good to brand things with the natrie of Error, till we Obfe~ v.zt. I· 'have provedthem to befo: After he had difputed the matter with ' em, befa ith, Erre not. 1. Loofe flings will do nogood: to play about