Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

-- ¥---· - -- - (:aAP•• J. ·- &!L upon.the Epifile of J :A M B s. - . - ' (faith Sqlomon ).thatfe~met-h right iria mans.cwn !CJC.S; ·,a rorrupt m.i~de.Jpoketh, qpop it as_ge.od ~ndple;~fant,;and t:J.Cotrjjpt wiU and ckfi~e is~ ready to runeut aft~r 1t : So the Prophet lfi$i'llh, Ch~p. 5J•r6• ,we 11re all goneJ~ftrJZ), e-r;ery man to. his own \\lay. Oh ro– membery®u,arc .to fludyJhe mmde aAd·wlll ~f_Go~i,; ·your.,own in-:v.entio~;s wijl.feqgte you, :;n1d your own ·~tffeJlion.t will betray you. 2· :~ottojoHr O'WfJ,~fldJ ; . ,2 Gor. -5. 14. Henqeforth we- are 11/J·.more .to·#ve,to,ourfel,ve.-s; toour pleafure, profit, honor, inI - - 4 r-. terefrs; we have no rigbt in our felves, •tis all given ,. .r.. fi . .G d *-Th 'r h . ·t·l G d d'd r. 1' NeJclRflt rm up to o : ·. Q~'e t up a to o , 1 nqt re1erve .a ·1- parme 'f"i ni:. herty for folf-ptprfuit-s ·and· fclf-infer4}Js: .All pleafures, honors, hit [uum no– pro.hts, are t.o berefufod1or,r;e,c·c.iv11U,.as they ml'ke us fer.viceable rtmt. Ambroll to.the glory Qf.G<~d•. · . . :Verf. 19. Wherefore mJ beloved 13rethren, }e:t e'uer.y ,man be ;{w..ift tohear., [tow to.JPMk. ,. {l'O.W t<J Wrath. Wherefore,.my beltwedBrethren,&c.;} You-fee thefe woras·ar6l'· inf~rred o_ut of the former : . The 1\po!He faith, Whe1:ejore.; Some.. fflake thec~:mfe6}uen~e thus, .He.bath:b-egot.tenyou, therefore waik as 111en regenerate ~ . Jor they-make.thcfe of a gene– rql concernment,. ,~nd; ·take them in the large&fence and extent of-– th~lP: Bqt this ·harfh; par.dy b.ecaufe ·as nor the ufe of the GMfiel to·def~n!1to fu.chJow civilities as- the ordering of fpeecb,. ll{ld·the like.ll mruth lefs·,wouta io urgefuch aweighty Argument as .. Re.gtne·r4tion in :t matter of fuch -c01nmon impori:atilce ; .and.indeed the inference in .that fence·is no way,cleat\·_and it wopld be a great !tiP ~nd Llride to defcendfrom'- fuch a,weighty and :fpiritual matter to meer .rules of civility•. Partlybecaufe the fubfeq1,1erir'context fu.tJweth~thefe f't~ntenc~s -mufr he refrrained to the;matter . in hand F for,. V~rf~ z:I • . he fub" inferreth out,of thefe:fayingstan Exhortation tohe11uheNVord rightly; therefore1conceive toe Connection tO< · fiand .thus ; Hehad fvoken ofthe Word ofTr.uth as being the in– firumentofConverfion, and npon that gr-ound perfwadeth to dili– gent-bearing. and, rever<md fReakingpf ,jc ; for fo· thefe fe-ntences- · mu{\ be reftrained,and.then.the Ceherenceis-more fhient and eafie ;., -!\Slthu~.:..~oujfee...what an boner godbathp~ 'on theWord,.. as·by" IH~begetns·te:<himfelf;;.therefore be fwift to hear, ~hat is-, of a-·· ~i:~-·9! ~~~~.i!!!~~e,_ ·~!'!~dy~~!!!·~!,\? )!~i~ up~ (}odw·in tdh:· • 1, · ,g[ o·- - -- - .. ' . 1'