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CHAP.I. upontheEpiftleof JAM lis. Wherefore, be fwift to hear: Who would balk away in which he bath found good, and difcontinue duty when he bath found the benefit of it? When God hath given you fuccefs, he bath given you a fed ofhis Truth, a real experience of the comforts of his fer– vice. TheSt.mcarifls that think Ordinances ufelefs for Believers, fit to initiate us in Religion, and no further, are ignorant of the nature ofgrace, theftate oftheir own hearts, and the ends of the Word. B~caufe this proud Setl is revived in our times, and many as foon as they have found the benefit of Ordinances, think they are above them, let us a little eKamine thefe particulars. I. They arc ignorant of the notture t~fgrace,whichalways upon a tafie longeth for more; T(.d.63.1 ,2.1/ong to fee thy Power and Glory, M 1 have fem thee in the Saniluar7. When the Springs lie low, a little water cafi in bringeth up more : So after a tafir, grace longeth for mere communion with God ; they would fee God tU they havefeen him: So the Apofile,r Pet.2.3,4.I(ye have tafted that he is gracio1u, come to him a;s to a-Uvingftone; that is, if you have had any tafie and experience ofChrifi in the Word, (whiCh is the cafe in the context) you will be coming to him for more. However 'tis with (piritual pride : Grace is quick!ncd by former fuccefs and experience, not blunted. 2. They are ignor~tnt ef the intent and end of the Word; which is not only to beget m, but tomak! the s~intJ perfea, Ephef.4.I2, 1 3• The Apofiles when they had efl:ablillied Churches, returned to confirm the D~(ciples hearts, Atls I4· 22. We are to look after growth, as well as truth. Now left •you ihould think it only con– cerneth the new-barn babes, or the weaker fort of ChriHians, you fuaU fee thofe of the highdl: form found need to cxercife themfelves herein; the Prophetsfearched diligently i'nto the Writings ofother Prophets, I Pet.I.II,Il. Danielhimfelf,thoughaProphet, and a Prophet of highViG.ons,ftudyed boo~,Dan.9.z. And fiill the great– -eft have need ofpraying, meditating, reading, .heariog, to preferve the work ofgrace that is begun it1 their Souls:That place is notable, . LHk! 8. I 8. Tak! heed howyou hear i for whofocver bath, to him foall be given; and whofocver httth not, from him jha!t be_ tak.fn thllt Which he fe,emeth to have: Our Saviour upon this gr:ound preffeth them toagreater confcience and fenfe oflthe duty·ofhear– mg ; ~ecaufe thofc that have grace already, will have further con– ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~Q~r~~f~ ; and thofe th~; upon a pr~umption and X · pr~: I)j