Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

t66 anevil nature bewray it felf in-thebeft caufo1 Chrdt~ warf~;~ not fuch carnal weapons, as .Ac.hi{b faid, Ha'U.e I need I[ mad men.? t 21. 15. So, 'hath Jefus Chriil: need of out paffions and furies? Doth the (jadof Heavtn needa tong.ue fo• A.. •on fire ~f heiJ? Jam. 3· 6. Mich~tel the Archang-el was eng3geq in thebt/1 caufoagaintl: theworft tJdverfarJ, with Satan abOt~t the body of Mofn ; and yet thepuritJof his n.ttur~ w"uld. no; · ermit him to prof~tne his engagement with.amy excefs, and un• cen~ of paffion; He durft 11ot bring atAfnfr h.i'!' 11 .r11iling ac •· atton, 'fude 9• And as the ·wrath ·DfmM~ lSN»/U·J.t~t/Pit to.thq matters of God, fu •tis alfoprejudicial: 'Wheraongueis Lharp– ned again!l tongue, and penagain'll pen, whzt fmlow£rh? rio~. t'hing but mutual animofities and hatfeds, whereby :if we gain ought of truth, we lofe much of love and g.oodnefo : Satan woaM fain be even withGod; the Devi!s Kingdom is :moiUy ruined by the rage of his own in'llruments, and you cannot gr.a.. • Ajfellavit tifie Sa.tan more, then when you wrong the Truth by • .an UO'I uando 111 feemly defence 0f it; · for rhen he feemerh to be quits w'"ttb f>ia!Jot'fu Chrifr, <>verturning his Kingdom by thofe which .are engage~ veritatem in the defence of it. Briefly then, if you would do good~ ufe defendendo means; t.he barking-clop lofeth the prey : yiolence and fu· eoncutert. nous profecum~n feldom:gameth: Thoje tngage :rert. that u(e the hardeft tt.rguments, a•d the (o{ieft '1Po.rd1 0 whereas . railings and reYilings, as they are withoat love., fo they are wjch• out profit. Be watchful , ~our .religious affections may often over· fetus. 2. From that [ Work..,eth not the righteDufne(i] At~ger.Unot to be Ohferv. 2 • trufted; •cis not fo jnftand.,ighteom as itfeemeth to be: of all ... l•nah 4 . 9 • ,paffions this is moll apt to be juA:ified ; as * I" f~id .to (Gpd, ,_ I do Well to be. ~~tngrJ ; fo men are apt to.excnfe the1r heats and paffions, as if they did but exl'reis a juQ indignation againll an offence and wrong received. Anger, likea cloud, .bllndeth .the minde, and then tyrannizeth over it; ·there is in it fomewllat of rage andviolence, it veh~memly aa,aad taketh away h 1S rule according te which he ought to .atl : all Yiolcnt ~oncitations of the fpirit ditlurb Reafon, and Jbinder .clear~ef$ ·of debate; and •cis then with the Saal as •t.ts with men in a:mu· tiny, the graveft cannot 'be heard c and is in it f0mewhat of mifl and dJJrk..nefs, ·by which Reafon being betloud~, ,js ra• · ther