Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CIJnfi,aere~, the nature, gto~l'iaJ, _and _ efJdJ of the Otdmariccs 'We'ighedmour -tnouglits : Onely tn the gehetal, fo much pref:ia. tation there muff be, ~s will ntake the ·ne:irt reveren-d: God Will ~ ferved wi~h ajofm!xed with tre,mbling_: The heart is never right in worfhip, all it be po·[effed with an awe of 0od; Holif dreadful is thupiace ? Gen. 2 8. 17. And again, ftfch pre{1aration as will fettle the bent of eh·~ Jpirit Heaven· ward: 'Iis faid fome. where, They (u th~mftlvtJ t11{et~ the Ldrd: and David faith, Pfa. 57· 7• M1 heart i4 fixed, m1 hel'lrt it fi).•ed: that is, cotn• pofed to an heavenly and holy frame. And again, fuch prepara• ridn as wlll make you come humbleand hunt/1: Gtaee is- ufual. ly given to the defiring Soul; He haih filled the hungry 'Withgood thingr, Lu~ t. 53· Again, fttch :15 erefhth and rtlifoth rh'e he_ar't into ap9fture of expeftation :' ~T1s oft_en faidt 71e it to thee ar!" ciJrding to t.hy faith: T.hey that look for hothing, finde nothing·; Chriff~greater thingt are forrhofe tharbeleeve, Job. I. so, 2. Chrij/ia,; preparation confifts m(lft in laying afideand d•f– Jfdf{eJ]ing evil fraf1Jn: Weeds mull be rooted out, before the Obferv. ~· grot1nd is fit to receive the feed: Plow up your fallowground, and{oW not amrmg tbornl. Jerem, 4· 3• There is an unfuitable– nefs between a filthy fPirit and rhe pure holy Word; and there. fore they that will not leave their accufl:omed fins, are unfit Hearers. Thematter mull be preparedere it can receive the form. Some tranfiace Pau/J ·J'o~ti/J.d.~~1(t) e~W1~,> . :r (or. 11. l8. Let him _ p_urge him/elf,· get away hts drofs and €-on uption : All this \ iliewech the need of renewing repentance before the hearing the Word, chat fin being difpoifeffed, there may be room for the enterance of grace. Noxious wetds a:-e apt eo grow again in the befi mind .:: s; therefore as the Leper under the Law was fl ill to keep his htti1· [haven, Levit; '4· fo thould we cut and lhave; chat though the roots of fin remain, yet ' h"'Y rriay not grow and fprouc. There is an·extraordinary vanjcy in 1otne men that will . lay ttjide theirfinJ before fome folernri DL~ties, but with a pur– pofe to rttutn to the foliJ of them ~ as they fable the' Serpent layeth afide his poyfon tvhen he~oeth to drink: They fay to their lu!ts, as Abraham to his )!eivanrs, Tarry you here, for I mu}/ goyo.ndet and Wr1r[hip, JwilLcome again to you, qeftJ.. 2 2 5. They do not take an eve1lafting farewtl of their fins. But how• ev~?r, they are wifer rhen thofe rhat come reeking from rheir 6ns