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-----------------------------------~=------- AnExpojition' with Notes ' CHAP.I Objerv. S· S· From thatword [Filthinef.r] Sini.s filthine(s; itfullieth the glory and beauty of the Soul, defaceth the Image {If God: This expreffion is often u{ed, Fi!thine(s of ftefo and fPirit, l Cor. 7· x. where not onely grofs wickednefs, fnch as proceedeth from flethly and brudih1u1ls, is called filthine[s, but fuch as is _more fpiritual 1 Vr;he/ief, Here{ie, or Mif hdief, &c. nay, ori– ginal corruption is ca-lled fo, l 'ob 1·4• 4· who can brmt ~ clean thing out of an unclean? fo Job J 5. 14· How can mAn he clean l Nay, things glorious in the eyes of men; Duties they are called Dung, beca1:1fe of theiniquity that is found in them, Mal. 2..3. J'Witlfpread dung uponyour faces, even the drmg of your folemn F~afts: So 'cwas in Gods eyes; The Spirit-of God everywhere uferh comparifons taken from things that are moft odious, that our hearts may be wrought into the greater deteftation of fin. Certainly they are·much mi1laken that think ·fin an ornament, when the Spirit ofGod calleth it dung and excrement• . But more efpecially I finde three fins called filthinefs in Scripture:) I. Co· vetonfne(t, becaufe it debafeth ·the fpirit of man, and maketh him Hoop to fuch undecencies as ~re beneath humanity : So •[is faid, filthy f.ucre, I Pet. 5. z, Then fecondly, .Luft, which in 'Scnpcure.dialed: is calltd fi!thim[J, or ·the fin of unc/eanne{sJ I Theff. ~· 7• becauie it maketh a man to fubjett or fubmit his ,defires to the .bealls happinefs,which is fenfual ,pleafures. Third– ly, In this place Anger and Mlllice is .called filthi1fefs: Wepleafe our {elves ·in it, but 'ds but filthinefs; atis bruti!h t.o yield to our rage and the turbulent agit-ation of our fpirits, and not to ebe able" to withfi:and a pr-ovocation; •cis worfe then poyfon inToads or A(ps, or what nay be conceived to be moft filthy in the creatures; poyfon in them cloth -hurt others, it cannot hurt themfelv~s; Anger may not hurt others, it cannot choofe .but hurt us. Vvell ·rhen, -1!.11 that hath been faid is •an engage– ment to us to refift fin, to deceft it as a defilement; •twill dar· •Deut, 31., f· kfn the..glory of our Natures: *There-are fome fPots that are " Zec 34 ~ 6 not ·tU the jj1ots of Gods chtidren ·: Oh let u.s-'gec rid of thefe "' ·fil– ' ' ' ' ' 'chy.garments, and de-fire-change of rayment, the righte:oufnefs ·of, Chrirt~ I, ~ut there arefome·leffer fins that are JPots too; • Jude 2-3, "'the.f.Ar~ntjpotted·bJ the jle{h: unfeemly \Vords iatecalied~l· t-hineft, oBph. 5. 4· and duties dung. Obftrv~ 6~ ~· From that.[St~Jerjlnity pf wick!dneft] Th,uhere u'afnn~ ""~"~