t8o Obforv.. 8. VERs.ar. An Expojiti~n, with Notes where a receiving the Truth in love, when we make room for it, that carnal .tffetlions and prejudices may not vomit and . throw it up a-gain : Chrifr ·compbineth fomewhere, that hid Word had no place in them, ~ ')(/~est-V ~)(.el ev v.p.7v, it Cannot finde any room, or be fafely lodged in you; but, hke an hot morfel, or qu.eafie bit, >cwa:s foon given up again. 8. The Word mufl be receivedWith all meek._nefs: Chrill: W3S anointed to preach glad tydings to the m ~ek, J(ai. 61. r. They ,, have mo[l right in the Gofpel. The main bu!lnefs will be eo : fnew what this Meeknefs is: Confider its oppofices; Since the Fall Graces are beft k..,now" by their contraries: It excludeth ·· three things : I. A Wrathful fie,-cenefs ; by which men rife in a rage·againl1: the Word ; when they are admonilhed, they revile: deep C9nviEfiotJ provoketh many times fierce oppo(ition; Jer.6.to. TheW(lrd of the Lord u to them a reproach: They think the Mi- – ni!l:er raileth when he doth but difcover their guilt to them. 2. A proud jft.sbbornnefs, when men are refolved to hold their ·· own; and though thepremi/Jes fall before the Word, yet they maintain the conclufion : [erem. 2. 2 5'. Refrain thy foot fro~ barenefi, and thy throat from thir/f; chat is, why will you ·trot toEgypt for hdp, you will gee nothing but lutren~[i and•thir-ft: , but they (aid, Strangers have We loved, and them 'Will \\1e follow; that is>Say what thou wilt, we will take our own way and courfe : So !(11.i. 44• I 6 , I 7, .We Wilt not heark!n to thee,; but wit certainly do 'Whilltfoever goeth 9Ut ofour own rmmth :MeFl fcorn to fhike fail before the Truth, and though they cann·oc main– tain an oppofition, yet they will contimu ic. 3• Aconwuioeu 'Wrangling, which is fou~d in mc: n of an unfober Wit, that fcorn ro c;tpcivac~ the pride of Reafon, and therefore ftick .~o every lhift ;, The Pfalmift faith, P (al. :as. 8, 9• He 'Will teach Jinnert the Way: The meek, he \villguide in ;udgment; the meek;_ he 'Will teach hid 'Way. Of all finners, God cakech the~mrek_finner for his • carntt. lib. de nqtis verbi Dei. Schollar: There is diffic~1lty enough in the Scrir t lwes to harden · the oblbnate. • ( amero obferverh.J that the Scriptures are fo penntd, that they that have amindc to know, may know; and they thac have a minde to wr~ngle, may ta:<e occafion enc.ugh of offence, and jufHyperitb by the rebellion of their own Rea· fon : 'For, fai th he, God never meat)t to fatisfie hominibw prte{ra£/i inger~ii, m~~ ~~ aftubb~rn 11nd perverft Wit. And . '(ertHII;..n