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CHAP. I. uprm the EpiJUe of~ A M J! s. 181 11 Tertulli anhad opferved the-fame long befor~ him: That y9d ' No~ pet.icli– h(ld /9 difhof"ed the ScriptureJ, tkat they that Will n_ot 6e (atilfied, tor ~rcere zp{M . 1' 'f- 'J' ~ ' h S · Ch ·r1. (:. SmpturM zta m:ght be hardened. Cenam we are t at our av10ur rltL auh, difP [if M 'ffi *·That theft things are done in Parables; That feeing they might ur ~~teri:R/-, no; fee-, norpe~ceiv~ ar.dunder~and: that, is, for a ju!l: punifu. fubmi~ifi!arent memof wilful blmdnefsandhardnefs, that thofe that wo,uld Ha!rttzcu. not fee might not fee: So elfewhere our Lord faith, That he ;~wl. that Viill do the Will of God, /halt k.!zow What lJJoE1rine id of (jod, ar.4 JJ)u Joh. 7· 17. When thehear.t is meek!ned to obey a truth, theminde is{oohopened to.concei11e pf it. _ _ SecGmdly, My ne?tt work is to ·Chew what it -indudeth:: I. Humility and brofitnnefl of fPirit: There mu!l: be infe8ion before injition, before ingrafting : Gofpel revivings are for the contrite heart, Jfai. 57· 15. The broken heart is not only a tamed heart, but a tender heart; and then the leall couch of the Word is felt: Thofe tha<t tremble lit my Worq, Jfai. 66. z. 2.~ Te~tchablmefs and tractablencfl qf JPirit: There is anmgenu• · ' o~ as well as aculpable facility :. -~< The 'Wifdom that i4 {Yom a. "Jam, 3··•7· bove i4 genrle, and eaji: tobe entreated : 'Tis good to get a tractable frame: The fervan :s of God come wid'l a minde to obey, they do buc wait for che difcovery of their .duty; AB. xo. 33:• , W.e are all here prefent befcre yod, to th.e th~ng1 that arc commandeJ. t.hcc of God: They came not- with a minde todifjute, but pralli/e. Oh confider, p~rverfe oppoficion will be your own ruine: "f1s faid, Lu~ 7· ~o. They rejeEied the counfel of qod, but •cwas aj!,ainft tl;emfelves; that is, to their own lofs : So AEt. 1 ;. 46. Ye put it fromyou, 11nd judg your felveJ unwor-: thy ofeternal lift : Difpuring.againfl: the Wor.d:, : tis a judging yQUr {elvt s; 'cis as if, in effeCt, youJho~lld fay, I (:.are r.ot for ~od, nor all the tenders t.J grace_ ·and glQry that he maketh to me-. · . . I , .9• .The Wordmuft not onely be ttpprehendedby -u~, but plame_d 06ferv. £1•· ~~A m : ' Tis Gods promife, Jerem. ~ 1. 33· I Will pt~t my Laws tn their hearts, and 'Write them in their. inwardp11r't.t; ·that is,-he will enlighten our mindes to the undedlandingof his Will, andframe our heart1 and affeClions tp the obedience of it: So ~hat not onely know duty, but have an inclination to ic, whtch ts the true ingrafting of the Word: Then the root of the matt~r u Within m, Job Ij. ~s. that is 1 the comfort of tiods -- - - · ~ a 3 ·· - promi!es