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noble pare, and the ftate of ~he Body dependcth upon the well or ill being of the Soul; He JS able to caft bothfoHI~tndbody,&c. and therefore 'ris the greatefr imprudence in the world, O!lt of a fe-ar of the Body, to betray the ~oul. S.o your gre,a,trj1 c(lre; riches and fplendor in the world, thefe are the conveniencies of ·the B-ody, and what good will they do you, when -you come to be Jayd in the cold filent grave -? M.g,tth. 16. z6, Whti'lt profit h11th aman, if he Win ;the Whple World, and ,lo(e bu owr; Soul? 'Iis but a forry exchange, tha-t, to haJ;ard rhe e:ternal welf~re of the Soul, for athorc fruition of the world : So Iob 17. S. what i4 the hope ofthe Hypocrite,-though hehathg~ined,'WhenGod taketh hi4 Soull There's many a carn:d man that purfuet.h 'the world with a fruitle{s and vain auempt; thP1 rift early; go to bed late, eat the breadof f()rrows J; yet .all will not do : hut fuppof~ they have gaiued and taken,the hunting, _·yet 'Wht!>t -'W.i/1 it.profit him? when Body and Soul, .~nd- £hpugh eke Body be decked, ,yet the 'Soul tmuG: go in_co ·mi(ery and' darlmefs wirh0uc~ny furniture .and provifion for another life, what hope will hid gain· minitler:to h1m ? Oh .that we w..ere wife to ,confider thefe thi111gs , thac 1We w;CJmld make it our work to provj~e for eh~ Souljto cloaththe v~ul for another world,thatweWOLtld wa : t ,l+J?.onJ:::l.o~ in the ·Word, that o.ur 8ouf1 m-ay he£w:ni.lh~d / with every fpiricual and heavenly ~xe-ellency, that we may not be founa nak_~d., faith t·he -t\ppHle, 2. Cor,>· 3• . .. _ ' . •U, T:hat tlJe;]'~h,l(.t ·hvzve rec-ti.vtd the ,Word~ mufJ receiv,edt 11· O!Jforv. Ii: -gain: !bough it were ingrafted in Jh~m, yet receive it ~hat it "mtay ,:Y,ue1our Sor~ls•. God hath deputed ic to be a meams ·not onely of Regener~Jtio-n.., but Salvatio.n: :and therefore till we come to Heaven, we mufi: ufe this help: ;Thry .t.hJtt live above · Ordinancn, .do not li'lrlc ·at all, fpiritually, gracioufly. Pa.iflted fire needeth no fael. TheWQrd, tho~h it be an immorta.l foeJ., yet needeth conftant care and wacerigg. Ilut..of:.thi~ before. · Verfe l .J. 71ut be 1e doers of the W.ord, ana not b.tarer1 onely, decei'CJingyour.own [elves. · . · rr"his Verfe.catcheth·hold of the'heeLof the fotmer: He-.:liad · fpdken of the fi uit of the Word, trhe.iSa/v_ation of the Soul;: that tJit may he .obtained , h~ ~weth,.that we thould not onely hear, r buc:pratbfe. But