VE lt5.22 · An Expojition, With Notes 73ut be ye doers of the Word ,] That is, real obfervers: There is a fentence of TauJ that for found is like this, but is indeed quite to ·another fence, Rom. z. 13. For not t he hearers of the Law, but thedoers, are juft before God : Doer is there taken for one that fatisfieth the Law, and flllfillerh it in every tittle; for the Apo!lles drift is to prove, That the Jews, notWithfianding their priviledg of h:1ving the Oracles of Godcommitted to them, were never a whit the neerer J u!lification before God. But here, by doerl are implied thofe that receive rhe work of the Word into their hearts, and exprefs the effect of it in'their lives, There are three things which make a man a ?rfJtll1ii), a doer of the Word, faith, /orye 1 and obedience.- · · · And not hearers o11ely,] Some ndcher hear, nor do; others ·hear, but they refr in it: Therefore the Apofrle doth not diffwade f~om hearing; He11.r, faith he, but not 'Onely. , Deceiping] 7mP_;tMyt~6p}pot, The word is a term of Art, ·it .implietlia ~ophittical Argument or Syllogifm, which hath an , appearance or probability of truth, but is falfe in matter or form, and is put by the Apofrle to imply thofe falfe difcourfes which are in the Confciences of men. Paul ufeth the fame ·word, to imply that deceit which men impofe upon others by • colourable perfwafions, Col, 2.1-• Let nfl man ~M)'I~~ de· .·ce.ive you with enticeng 'Word.r. · Tour own[elves.] The Argument receiveth force from thefe ,... .words: If amanwould baffle other men_, he would not put a Paralogifm upon himfelf 1 deceive him(elf in a matter of fo ·great confequence 1 Or elfe it may be amonition, you deceive your felves , but you cannot deceive God. 1 The Notes are : ·o I.('. . I. That hearinD' ugood,but fhould n~t be refted in: The Apo(He · vJerv. 1. , r. o / ,1aith, Be net hearers o•ely. ·Many go from Sermon to Sermon, hear much,but do not digellit in their thoughts. The Jews ,were much in turning over the leaves of the Scriptures, but did not weigh the matter of them : therefore I fuppofe our S.avivur re– proveth them, Joh. 5. 39· Tou{eAr~h the ScriptureJ : that efeU• vme there feemeth to belndict~tive, rather then Imperative,efpe· ·cially fince it followeth, for in them T 8 THIN K to hAve .Eternal Life: They thought "cwas enough to be bufie in the letter of the Scriptu~e~ and ~ha~ bare readin6 wouldyeeld them Eternal