CHAP.I. u.prJn the Epi.ftle of J A M E s. VERS.22· Ecernal Life~ So do. CJtners reil: in hearing. They that flay in the meansne like a fooMh worl<m:m that comenteth himrelf with the having of tools. 'Tis a fad defcriptibn of fame fooli!h women, 2 Tim. 3· 7· Thv!t they arc ever lea>'ning, a:td never coming to. the k_nowledg ef the Truth. Much hearing will encreafe our Judg– ment, if there be not a lively !mpreffion upon our hearts. The heart of man is fo fottiih, that they-content themfelves with the bare prefence of the Ordinances in their place: 'Tis fatisfacrion enough that they have a Levite to their Pricft, rudg. 17. q. Ochers content themfelves with their barepre{ence at the Ordinan– ces, though they do not feel the power of them. 2. That the do~:rJ of the Word are the beft hearers: That•s Ob/'erv. 2. good, when we he11r things that are to be done, t<tnd do things that are to be heard. That knowledg is befl: which is moll _pratl:ical, anti that hearing is bdl which endeth if.! praCtice. DatJid faith, Pfal. 119. IO). ThyWordisaLantern to my feet, and a light to my fteps: That's light indeed which direCl:eth you in your paths and ways. Matth. 7· 14. He thAt heareth my \\'ordJ, and doth ;hem, I Will lik._en him to a Wife butlder: That's wifdom; to come eo d1e Word fo, as we may go away the better. Divers hearers propound other ends : Some come to the Word that they may judg it; the Pulpit,wh,ich is Gods Tribunal,is theirbar; they come hither to fit Judges ofmens gifts and parts: r I. Thot-e art not aDoer of the Law, but "" Judg. Others come to hear pkafing things, to delight themfelves in the elegancy o£ fpeech, rarity of conceits, what is finelycouched and ordered, not what is proper to their cafe; this nor an Act of Rttigion fo much as Curiofity: for they C0me to a Sermrmwith the fame mincte they would do to aComcrdy or Tragcrdy ; the utmofi that can be gained from them is commendation and praife: E~e~ 33· p. !,bot~ art to thtmM a lovely fang, or one that hath apleafont voyce,;- but tbey hear thy Words, and do themnbt: They were taken with. the tinkling and tunablenefs of the expreffions, but did not regard the · · heavenly m:mer : So that fond woman fuddenly breaketh out into a commendation of our Lord, but it feemeth regarded the·perfon more then the doctrine, Luk_; II. 28. Blejfed u the Womb thiit b~·re thee, and the paps that gave theeJuck_; for which our Sa~ v10ur corredeth her in the next Verfe, '1ea, rather b!ejfed. are they · th~et hulr theWord 11j God, and kfep it. You are mifraken, the .Hb end