Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

'186 VE R S-2.2. An Expojition, with Notes end of prc::aching is not to exalt men, but God. You will fay, a~tJ excellent Sermon! but wh11t do yougain hy it! The hearers life a 2. C>r. 3.1, z is the preachers befi acommendation: They that praife the man, but do not praflife thi matter, are like thofe that tafi~ wines, that – they may commend them, not buy them. Others come that they may better their parts, and encreafe their knowledg : Evfry one . defirech to know more then another, to fee up themfdves; they do fo much excel others as they excel them in knowledg: and there– fore weare all for Notions, and head-light, l'ittle for that ·b \\,t[dom hProv. ~. ~o. that entreth Hpon, the heart, and fervech to better the life: lil{e children in the rickets, that have big heads, but weak joynts : This is rhe difeafe of this age ; There is agreat deal of curious know– ledg, aiery notions, bnt praCtical faving Trmhs are antiquated, and Bo:ii efl'e defh out of dare. Seneca obferved of the Philofoppers, that whw they runt. flmr~ac learned, they were lefs And gene-tally we finde tio{ll eva, e. .. d f Z I . . h f . dK rint. Sc:neca. now agreat ecay o ea , With the growt o Notton an nowledg, as if the Wa·ters of the Sanfluary had put out the fire of the Sanflul!.ry, and men could not be at £he fame rime learned and holy. Others hear, that they may fay they hav~heard; Confcience would not be pacified Without fome worthip : They come M my people ufe to do, E::{..eft 33· 3I. that is, according to the fa0.1ion of the Age. Duties by Iflany areufed as aOcepy fop, to allay the ra£eof Confcieoce. The true ufe of Ordinances is to come that we may profit : Ufually men fpeed according to their aim and expectation: Dejire the (Jncerc milk,_ Qf the I.Yord, that )'e maygrew thereby, I J'et. 2.· 2. So Davidprofe(fech his aim, Ffal. 1 I 9· 1 I. Thy Word have I hia in my heart, that I might not fin againjl thee. The rninde, Ijke the Ark, fhould be the cheft of the Law, that we may know what to do in every cafe, 2nd that truths may be always prefent with us, as. Chrifiians finde it a great advantage eo have Truths ready a11d prefent, to talk. with themupon all occaftons, Prov. c Pf-al. 1 6. 7 . 6. zr, n. Oh 'cis fweet when we and our c reins can conE:~ to. gether. _ If you cannot finck prefent profit in what you hear, confider how. it ~ay be ufefu} for you to thefuture: Things, I confefs, are not fo . accept~ble wl:ic>n t-hey do not reach the prefem cafe; But they pave their feafon, and if ~ome to you, you may blefs God that ever yoLl were acquainted with them; ljai. 12· 23. who w;a heark_rn,