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CHAP.I. Hpanthe Epiftle of JAM li s. VERS.:u. heark.§n and hear for the time to come ? You may be under ter– rors, and under mi!cries, and thtn one of rhe£e truths will beex– ceeding refrdbing: Or you ~ay be liable to fuch or (uch fnares whm you come to be engagedm the world, or verfed m fuch cm– ployments, rheref?re crealure up everr T~uth of God : Provijion argmth wifdom; re may concern you mtime. Jerem_. 1 o•.I~· T~e. Prophet reacheth them how they fhould defend thetr Rehgton m Baby/on; therefore that fentence is in Chaldee, that he might put words in their mouths, againfl: they came to converfe wita the Chatdeans; ThUJjha!l ye fay to them, ·The gods that made n~t the heavens and the earth, they fo.a/1 perijh from the earth. 'Tts good to provide for BabJ!lYtJ whiles we are in Sior., and not to re)e~ crur:hs as not pertinent to our cafe, but to r(ferve them for future ufe and profit. . ~· From that mi£J-AOJ-'l~6p.~ot, do not cheat your fdves with aobforv. 3• fallacy, or falfe !lrgummt, obfenre, That [tlfdeceit isfounded in fame fa!fe argumentation, or reafoning. Con[cience fupplieth three offices, of a Rule, a Witne[.t, and a {ttdg; and fo accordingly the ACl: of Confcience is three-fold: There is cnw1n~l11't;, or a right apprehenjion of the principles of Religion ; fo .Confcience is a Rule : There is crwtE-WI!crt(, a fenfo.r.f our aUions compared with the Rule or known Will of Godj or a Tefl:tmony concerning the proportion,or difproporcion, that our Actions bear with the Word• . Then la!l:ly, there is x,eJcrg, or judgment, by which a rnan applirth to himfelf chafe Ruks of Chriltianicy which concern his fact, or !tace. All thefe Acts of Confcience may be reduced into a Syl~ logi[m, or Argument : As for infiance, He tiJat is wholly carn.d, hath no inte~'ejl in Chrift; there is the firfi.A<..'l, K~owledg: 73ut I am \vholy carnte!; there is the fecond Act, Confcience : There– fore I haveno intereft in Chrift; there is the third ACl:, Judgment• . The firfi ACl: of Confcience makech the -Propojitioa., the fecond · the /1Jfumptior.t' the third the c onclu(ioH, Now an felt-deceit is in one of thefe Propoficions :· So!lletimes Confcience is out' M tt Law, in the very Princzple; Sometimes tU aWitnefs, in the A[– fumption; Sometimes M tt Judg, it fufpendcch and hideth the Conclujion, Sometimes, I {ay, it failech ,u a Law, by .q-~akiilg an errone~m .Pri~cip!e eo b~ the bo~torn _of a Jlrong Hope.; as h~re, . thePrmc~ple ts naught,: They that hear the Word fball be .f.wcd. At othertimes it erreth in the appljcadon ofche Rule,as d r J oh. r~~. rl So 1 Io!1.2.•4 · · . . Bb 2 If