1~8 VE R $.22. An Expo.fttion, with Notes IfWefay, that We havefellowjhipWith him, and Wlllk.)n d~rk_ntfs, ~lye,and do not the truth: The principle was right, Thty th$t have communion 'With God arehappy; Btlt We have communioii WithGod, that was falfe, /,ecaufo they Walk.!d in d.o~rk.._nefs : So_,. as aJudg it doth not pa(s femence, but out of felf-love forbeareth to )udg of the quality of the utl:ion or fiate, that the Soul may not be affrightened with the danger of -it. You fee the deceit ; how lhall we help·it ? I an[wer feverally to all thefe ACls and parts of Confcience. Firfr, That you may build upon right principles: r. #fis good ro hide tbe Word in our hearts, and to frore the Soul with found knowledg, and that will always rife up againfi vain hopes; as he that would gee weeds defiroyed, muil pboc the gn;mnd with con– trary feeds: When there. is much lmowledg, your own reins will chafien you ; aod thofe found prirrcipl.:s will be talking to you, and fpeaking ~y way of check and denyal ro your fudden and ra!h prefumptions; Binde the Law to thine he;lrt, and When thou Wak.tft it jha/1 ialk_, to thee, P:rov. 6. 22. 2. In the wimeffing of Confcience obferve-theReafonof it, and let the principle be al– ways in fight: Do not credit a Jingle teflimoi1y without a cle.1r ,-ule, orpojitivegrouJtJd: A corrupt CoP2fcience 1ljually giveth in 1t bare report, becaufe the gronnds are fb flender and infufficient that they come leafi in fi~ht; for upM a tryal Confcience would beathamed of them: as tor infianct; this is the report_ of Confci· ence, Sure I am in a good Condition : now ask Why ? and the– Confcience will be albamed of the Paralogifin in tr:e Text ; 1 htar theWord, make much of gof)d Miniflers~cFc. And yet this is the fecret and inward thought of moil: men, upon which they build al1 their hop,'es: wh~reas true grounds a~e open nnd clear, and are urged tdgether w1eh the report, and fo beget a firm and fieady con– fidence in the fpirit; -as I 7oh. 2. j. Hert.by we are Jure We k~now him; that is, enjoy him, have communion with him ; for know– ing tbere, -is knowing hitn by fenfe and experiehce: now whence did this confidence .arife ? you fh~ll fee from an open and cl-car gtqund, We .arefure (faith he) becauh We keep his Commatrd· mcnt~~ 3· Th~grounds upon which Confcience goeth lbould be full. tl1f.d po.ft~ive. There are .threeforts of- Mflr-k_s layd down in Scnp·cure: Some are one{r exclajive; 8thers inc!u.ftve; and between thefeam.iddkfort of -~arlci~ Whkh I li1ay-<:~\tpvfttive: for exclfl.jive