190 VE RS.:U. An Expojition, 'With Notes fdf ot his Confcieoce, as in the m~ny lhifcs and evafions he ufeth to avoyd the fenfe of it. _Every finners heart cloth reproach and condemn him; but all their Art ·is how to choks this tefiimony, or flight it. You know the ApofHe {~hn referrerh th€ whole deciGc.m of alldoubtsconcerningourefl:atetoC~mfcience, 1 {oh. 3·2o,zr. For certainly thejirft voyce ofConfcience is genuineand unfeigned; for it being privy to all our Actions, Clnnot buc give a tefiimony concerning them ; onely we elude it: And tberefor€ lee wicked men pretend what peace they will , their Confciences wimefs rightly to them; and were it not for thofeGeights by which they put it oft~ they might foon difcern their efiate: The Apofile faith, They areall their life time[ubjefl to bond.1ge, Eeb. 2. I). They have awound and torment within them, which is not always felr, bur foon awakened 1 if they were true eo thcmfelves. The artiji. cial and{econd rtport o£ Confcience is deceitful and partial, whe1.1 it hath been Battered or choked with fome carnal Sophifins and Principles : But the fidl and native report, which of a fudden pincherh like aflitch in the fide, is true and faithful. 2. Wait up· on the Word : One main ufe of it is, to he!~ Confcience in wit– neffing, and to bring us and our hearts acquainted with one ano– ther: Heb.+ u. The word u .quidz and powerful, a difcerner of the thoughs and intents 11{ the heart; it revealeth all thofe plots and difguifes by whiah we would hide our Actions from our own privity and confcience.: He faith there, It divideth between Soul andJPirit ; The Soul cleaveth to fin, and the fPirit, or minde, plotteth .prettnces to hide . it ; but the Word difcovereth aLl this fdf-ded:ivingSophifl:ry. So I Cor.I4.15. Thefecretsof huheart are made manife{f.; that is, to himfelf, by the conviction of the Word. 3. Afcite Confcience, and call it often into the prefence of God; 1 Pet. 3· zi. The Anfwer of a goad Confcience to~ards God: Will it wirnefs thus to th6 All.feeing God? When Peters fincerity was quefi10ned he :!ppealeth to Chrifts omnifciency, Joh. 2 r. 17. Lord, thou k._nowe{f all thingr, and tpou k!zoweft that I !eve thee. Can you appeal to Gods ornni(ciency? and affure your hearts before him .? So 1 Joh. 3• 20. If our hearts condemn m, God u great e.,. then coHfciencef, andk._noweth all things: Oods Omnifciency is. there .mentioned, becaufe that is the folemn at– tribute to which Confcience appealeth in all her VerdiCls; which are the more valid, when~_rl!ey cm be avowed before