CHAP. I. upon the Epifllt of JAM I s. VE R S,22. 191 fore 1he G 0 D that 'kJ1~weth ~t/1 things. ' Thirdly, That Confcience ~ay ~o its Office tU_ a {'!dg, you · do this: 1. When Confc1ence lS filent, fi1fpe8: tt; ClS naught: we are carders, and our heart is grown fenl1efs and fiupid with pleafures. Ade.:td Sea is worfe then ~ rag~ng Sea _: •!is not a calm, this, but adeath. A tender Confc1ence IS always witneffing; and therefore when it never faith, What have I done? 'cis a Ggn •cis feared : There is a continual parley between a godly man and his Confcience; 'cis either Jaggefiing duty, or hurnblmg for · de– fetl:s; it is their dayly ex:ercife to judg 1hemfdves: As God after every days work reviewed it, andfaw 'tw.ugood, Gen. I. So they review each day, and judg of the atl:ions of it. 2. If. Con(cience ·do not fpeak toyou, you mnfi fpeak to Confcience : D >~vid bid– eth infolent men, Pf~Il, +4• to commune with their hearts, and be fti/1: Take time eo parley, and fpeak with your felves. The Pro– phet comph1neth, J erem. 8. 6. No man .ukfth hi?pfelf, what have I done ? Thtre ibould be a time to ask quefiions of onr own Souls. 3. Upon every doubt bring things to feme iflue and cer– tainty : <:;pnfcience will fomecirnes lifp out half a word: draw it to a full convitl:ion. Nothing maketh the work of Grace fo doubr~ fi.1l and litigious, as this, That Chrifiians content-themfelves with femi-perfwalions, and d~ not get theCafe- fully cleared oneway or another. The Spirit ddighteth in a full ·and plenary. convitbon, Jflh, I 6. 8. £71.~)~~'~, He foal/ convince thnvorld 'of fin, .of righ- . · teor,efneji, find of judgm_na; Convitrion is a term of Art, :~< 'cis * TC: p.~ N– done when thing.<s are layd dpwn fo clearly,. th~t we fee 'cis. v(t,7ov dM(<}~ . impoffible it lhould be otherwife: Now this the Spjrit -doch, whe- €xc-1 v a.ll.r-.. ther it be in a fiate of fm or righteournefs; God, faith he, woulJ gji?(,J; ~; n– deal with his pcopk fo roundly, th~tt thty might rtmember, and p.H., ll.~;;sr;J,ti, . HOt opm their muuth p:,ny m~refor jbflme, Ez:.e.i 6.63. That is,leave & c. A rzs'1. them fo convinced, th1c th~y might_ ll§!t have a word to fay, but org. 1mclean, unclea-n : 'Tis good upon. every doub~ to follow it fo ~lofe, that it may be brougbt to a certain ·and dttenl;linate lffue. ' , 4· That men 11re eafily dec~ived into a -good· opinion of them- Ob{en/. 4·: felv~s by th~ir bare heJ~ring. · pi~ch upon· the good that lS in any -atl:ion, and not r9 conGder the evil pf it ; 1 ~riJ · .fl~ hea;e_r of the Word, and therefore I am in ag~od cafe: Chrifis · fimihtude implieth, That men build upon their hearing, ~nd ma~e lt .