VERS.22· An Bxp"Jition, 'With Notes it the foundacicn of their hopes, Matth. 7· '2-4- to'the end. Watch. over this deceit; fuch aWeighty j1ru[/ure fhould not be raifed up– on fofandy "foundation. I. Confider the danger: of fuch a felf:. deceit ; hearing without praCtice draweth the greater judgment upon yoa ; Vriah carrye~ -Letters to roab, and he thought the . Contents were for his honour and preferment in the Army, bnt >cwas bnt the meffage of his own defiruelion. We hear many Sermons, and think to come and urge this to God ; bat out of thofe Sermons will ·God conde~n us. 2. Confider how far Hy– pocrites may go in this matter; They may fever themfelves from following Errors, and hear the Word confiantly: Lu~ 6. 47· whofoevtr cometh to me, &c. They may approve of the good way, and applaud it; 'B!effed u the womb that ·bare thee, ~tnd the paps that gave thee (uck..., &r:. Luk_; I ·'1. 27, 28. They may hold out a .great deal of glavering and falfe affecti– on ; Lu~ 6. 46. Why call ye me Lord, Lord, tend do 140t the things which I [ay? They may be endowed with Church .gifts of Prophecy and Miracles, be able to talk and difcourfe ·favorily of -the things of God , do much for the edification of ·others; .bfanywi/lj'ay tome in that day, &c. Matth. 7· 22. They may have a vain perfwafion of their faith and intereH in Chrifi, they will fay, Lorri, Lord, Matth. 7· zr. They may make fome progrefs ·in obedience, abfi:ain from groffer fins, and things pub• liquely odious; Herod did ma11y things, Mark.. 6. and Chrill: faith, Every tree that bringeth not forth goodfrHit, &c. Matth. 7• 19. Tqere muft be fomething pofitive; There may be fome external conformity: I, but there is no effectual change made; the tree u tJot good, M•mh. 7· I 8. Well, therefore ovstward duties with par– 'tial reformation will not ferve.rhe turn. . 3· Confider the eaGnefs -tl deceit; Jerem. 17. 9. The heart Dj maf'J u deceitful above all things j Who can finde it oub ? Who can trace and unravel themy· fte.ry of iniqHity t-hat is in the Soul ? Since we loft our uprightnefs, .we have many iwvmtionJ, Ecclef. 7· 29. lhifts and wiles where– by to avoyd the firoke ofConfcience ;, they are called, Prov.zo.27. the depths ofthe bepy : Look as in the belly the inwards are folded, and.rol~d up one within anot~r, foare there turnings and c~afry 6<:vtces za the hettrt·of man. Verfe