' I ' ~ ... $ • • -~ ~ .. ~ . - -. CHAP.I. np~ntheEpi.ft!eof }AM B s. VERS.~~.Z4• Verfe :Z.3! F~r- if anJ be ahearer oft~~ W~r4, and not a 4~er, bf i« lik.._e rq fl f}1an htht?ldt;:;g h~ n_autrlll face tna glafl: Verfe a4. F(Jr he bekpldeth him[e/f, an4 ~qeth hu"'ay, and flraig htway forgettt~k \f-b4t 111an,ver of man hl WM. Here{ames ~mpliRqth ~h~ fermer ~eaf0q,which was takeafrorri ~he vanity ~tnd unprgfif!lhk~ff~ ~f b~re hquing, by a fimili~ude taken from amAn j6ok1ng in agl~~. . . if MJJ be et lm:1r cl" of theWord, ~11d not a e/o.er,J That is, con- . teqterhhimfe!f ;wjtl} J,arepe_arip~•. 9r. Q{lte t~twwing ~he Word Qf QQd; . ~nd do;;h iJ,~ ,~Qtrl~ ll-MIIlY wtt:t gnpul(es pf Z~{4!, ~nJ re(~lll.:- ~.iom; j()f ob,~!i·itm~@. , · f.r .li~ a ~&1? J 1~ ~he Ocr1giq~l ' cis .id' e.~, !et wqrd proper to the Ma.fpulineS~xi :t~~ ~:her@gr-r; ,(ql!1drilme ~ ~rirj~ifm: Tue ApQ!He ~oth ,not {~y, l ftke4 Wom~n ; they~re \}1Qte ~itigem ~nd curio!l.S: ~hey ~w ,rJilwli>f~ly~§ .~~IJ;md ~g.qjn., Lt~~ tb!.'!y·may <lo il\Y:,ty e;ven• fl?\f}~ ~"d ~ef~q~ity : »J!Hl\iA.is m<>r~ witiy ~bP.n '9l t.d ~ The J,\.pqlfle :{lft:J~ .~)'j)g ;prCi\~ (<i!Jt?t:JGY (qr ,ftl.a~Jlfld ,W,QlllaQ, .~Vaf. I 2. 15/eff· ~~ .U tb.em.arN~at e~r,ctl; ,t.ttnp~.uio1J ;rtbe c.ITI!Jl') J>l" wom~o : .aoe– ly ~k~:M~fcqli~e ~ex is fp~cift~d . A~ moll wor,c,hy. 'T'bftt b~holdetf,J hi$ fl:,tftfirfll faEe] -1'.~ ertiriH?'QJI mlis jplJ.~~(<l~~ t.he Ja~tpf~i;:$ n~t~vity .; ~ih~t'§ !iQ.t~P~t!d by :tili!<t.:?. Somelay., rh~ (~~e as':Ood 1}1ade,Jt at b's Qlr(p, .dJat , h~ :lfl~tfrG(th9ki· God.s,work JO ~t., andfo take 9f:;~alion {o-r=on~~mQ~ paiQti[iJg, ·a.Q.~ !tbe:~~tific~l cendfe . a.nd varnithof the,f~~: Or,lijspan~~al face, UP.OO which roen .Jle– llow le~fi c;:;u~; In.pain_tin.g the~e is mor-e .. ex~({IJ~fs: Or n.at;trtt.l f~t.ce, ~s,importingaglance, as a m.ap pa{feth~b.y ~.glafs, ~nd feeth thaqhe bath the .fa~~1qf aman, not exa~ly furV.-~yjng .the feveJal lineamen~. O~hersJhii!k the.Apo{He hinteth ~he th~ng intended by .thdi!Ilili~ude> our na~ur~J . ~n~ original ,defo~mity, repr~fente,d in the words ; an~ th~t .he CQ.W}Jlicate,th .~nd foldeth up:the thing (ig... .pificd ,;wi.th th~ expr~ffiop~ of.tbe 6Jnilitucl~; but ·that {eewGtb forced. I fuppofe by no1t~ral [11ce he meaneth his own f~te, the glafs reprefentii?g the very face ~w!V.~hNatute ~ve·him. · HegoethhuWay, ~tnd flraightwayrfor.getteth What m,anner ~~ manheW~.] He(orget~th the (alh~Qn of .his countenance, the fpots reprefentc:p t~~ieiP~ and fo fitly nQteth thofe weak impreffiC c ons, l9} • I