194 An Expojition, "'Pith Notes ons, which rhe difcoveries of the Word leave upon acarelefs Soul· • who after his deformity is reprefented, is not affected 'with it[~ as tobebruught ro repen~nce. The Notes are thefe : Obftrv. I. I. Thtflt the Word of Godint glafs: But what cloth itlhewus? Janfwtr, 1. GodandChri.fr-; zCor.3.18. Wea!l \'Vithanopm face behold M in aglaf! the glory of the Lord~ and are changed in– to the.(vtmc image from glory to glory: A glafs implieth the clear– eR reprefent-ation that we are capableof hereupon earth. I confers aglafs is fom~times put fur adar~vijion;. as 1 C•r. -q. u. Now \Velee but tU in aglafs, d~r~ly ; but then We foall fee face ttJ face:- a 1 Jr>h 3 Then we lhalLfee God a himfelf; but here we have his imageand we fbaa r;e"· reAed:ion in ~he Word: .Asfometimes the heart ofJlefh is p~t for God M he is. an ePlrthly mmde, {omeumes for a tender heArt: Inoppofitton to anheart of {lone, the heart ofJlcfb is taken in a good fence ; but in oppofition to pure and fublime affetl:ions, inabad fence : So, in oppoftcion tQ thejh~td~Jws of the Law, feeing in 11 gl.t[s importetha clear difcerniog;but in oppofition toface to face,but alow& weak conception of the effence of God. Oh finqy the glory of God in the-Word: though you cannot exhaufi and draw out all the divine b Iob 4 • u. -perfetl:ions in your thoughts, yet b your ear may receive A little there~f: When we want the Sun, we do not defpi{e a Candle. 2. The Word is aglafs to thew us our felves; it dtfcovereth the hidden things of the heart, all the deformities of the Soul : Mark.. .... 1 r. t 4·11• There u tJOthing hidden,that jha!ltJOt be made manifeft. The c ,...uu_;e ;un W d d'r h h' ji ,_ h' h h peuata qu:e · or . hCOVeret all t .mgs. c O~r tns are tne jpots w tc t c oflendit Lex; L~w di[co.vertth s Chrijis blood t.f the \\14ter to Wa/b them off, 11q1~a tft (a~- t:lndth~t u difcoveredin the Goipel. The L:nv difcovereth fins; tuu chrifijRom. 7· 9• I WMalive withot~t the Law, but w-hen the Commana· 1~';,/~f~n:~ "!!ent came,Jin r.evived, and 1 dyed. We thi~~ our. fdves well,.an~ ;g magood cafe, till the Law falleth upon the, fptm wtth full convtch– .on, and -then we fee all -the fpors and fred<les of our Souls-: The Gofpel difcovereth how we may do away our fins, and deck and· attire our Souls with the Rigbteoufnefs of- Jefus Chrifr. Vfo. It minifirerh aMeditation to you: \~hen yobare at your glars, \ confider, the Word of God is aglafs. I muft look after the efiate · and complexion of my Soul: Tal<e but a plrt of the -Law, and ex– -ercife your felf with it every day, and you wilHoon fee the def~:- - ' mtty