Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CHAP. I. mity ofyour own fpirit: Do not look in a.Aat.tering ~lafs. We love piCture that is like us, rather then that which IS flounlhed and varl9.5 nifhed with more Art. , , 2 , That the kztowledg offorrr:al P~ofej{ors u b11t ~ight ~nd 06forv. 2 , glancing: likea tmmbeholdmg h1s face ma glafs,or like the glanng of aSu~-beam upon a wave, it rulherh inc<;> the.thoughts, and it IS gone. The bea~ under. the L~w .chat did not chew t.he cud was unckan : There IS much mmeditatiOn, and a conHam ltght : Some men, ifthey fhould be conGderate, would undo all their bllfe hop's ; therefore ufually carnal mens thoughts are bot flight and trivial, they know things, but are loath to let their thoughts paufe upon tkem: Luk.:_ 2. 'Tis faid, Mary pondered all thefe fayings. A i1ippery, vain, inconfifienc minde will be hardly hdd to Truths: When we apprehend a thing, being fatisfied, we begin to loathe it; ·and therefore 'cis an hard matt:tr to agitate the thoughts again to that point to which they have once arrived; the firfi apprehenfion cloth as it were deflower it. 3· Pain mengo from the Ordinances jufl aJ they c~tme to them: Obforv 3 He beholdeth, and goeth away ·: Like the beafis in N o11hs Ark, · • they went in unclean, and came out unclean ; So many come unhumbled and unmorcified, and fo they go away : Oh let it neve~ ~~~~ . . 4· Slight apprehenjions make a very weak.. impre./]irm: Things Obferv. 4· .work when the th'ooghts are ferious and ponderqus: d mujing d Pf.1l, 39· 3• n>Mk.fth. the fire b11rn. WhenGods arrows flick..J.tft, they make us roar to the purpofe, f9P 6. 4. AndDavid, when he would exprefs ~is deep affeCtion, he ~aitb, Pfai. 5r. 3• MJ Ji'! u e~'erkefore me; 1t would not out of h1s thoughts : Well then, aweak unpreffioo is an ~rgument ofa~ight apprehenfion: Thoughts always follow affetl1on. They that e heal their wounds jlightly, thew that they eIercm. 6.14• were never 'roundly touched and pricked at heart. Men .th~ooghly · alfetl('d fay, I foal/ rememher fuch a Sermon 11ll my life time. "!Ja'vidfaith, P[al. I I 2· 93. 1Wilt never forget thy Precepts; for , , by them thrm haft quick,.enedme~ Qchers t let good t~ings flip, be:- {Hebr. ~, I . _caufe they never f~lt thepowe~of theO)l. .. ~ '- : ; • ' : _ , . 'LA) :!ih 0i (!( :l;JO' .. ,. Ccli . ... ·- .... ., J 'verfe