. ' . ~ !Jn Expofition, YPitb NDtes Verfe?-5• But whofo loofe.!th intotheperfeEl:LawofLiberty, and ctmti;met/9 therein, he heing not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work.,, thu rmm jhdit be Mcffed inhudeed. ' In this Verfe you have the third R:eafon why they lhonld hear the Word, fo as to pratl:ife it: The firfi was, They would bat de– ceive chemfelves,and go away with avain miftake: The next,That bare hearing would be of little benefit ; no more then for a man to glance his eyeupon a glafs, and to have aOight view of his coun– tenance. And now, becaofe due and right hearing will end in blelf– ednefs, this Verfe is fuU of matter :i I lhall drop it out as rhe or. der of the words yeeldeth it. . But wh" fo loo~eth Jo o 'lrne9'~to4-~~, -ametaphor taken from thofe I that do not onely glance upon a chfug,'bot benti their body towards it, that they may pierce it with th~rr eyes, and narrowly l!'ry into it: The fame word is ufed for the.ftooping·down of the Dlfciples to look into Chrifis Sepulchre, Ltik.: 24. 12. and Jo'h. ~o. 4, 5. r and that narrow fearch whith the -Angels uf'e, to 'finde out the my~ fieries of Salvation~ I Pet. 1. I 2. 'TYhir:'h ·thi11_f,:t th-e J1.nge/s de'Pre t-o look.. into; whete there is a plain allufion ·eo the Chernbimr, I whofe faces.were bowed down towards the Ark, as Befirous-ro fe'e the ·rllyfttries-therein-(omained. The word .im_plietb rhreethi~s: · 1. 'D-e-epnefs 'ofmcditt~ti'01J ·: He ·dothncr,glat1C'ehpon,tbut lrxJk.._imo the p-erfea Law r;f ~i'berry. ·z. Dilij;e~t·.: ·o.[ enquiry : they tio not content themfelveswith what -isotftred to ch~tdirff .thoughts, but accurately pry into the_·mind-e df God revealed in the Word. ~. L-ivtelinefs of :impr-eJ!hm : tliey tto {o look upon it 'a's't?·fincte 'ibelverr:ue flf it in their hearts; "Z CO.r.. t3. '1'8! Ffe·,WJJ1J a-pm 1facc "biYoltling tbe g'!o-f-J rJfah'e Lord;u ·i~·u 1/af!, ·are·tbdngcfi inro the \ 'fome 'im~gefr'Om'pOYJtO glffrJ ': fSqth-a -g-aze aS1 bringeth' thegtory .. ~f· rbe lbrd 'into o'ti'r''lreatts, 'aS .Mofi'S 'face fhone~y ealkin._g with "Goo:;\lind we,by·cdaverfmg with·the.Wora, ca'rry away the ·beau- • l-y1.u'titglory dh·tinbur fiYittts) _- · '\ .: . · · '·. · ·· .. Into theperfeCt Law] Smne u'rldet'fta'ridthe'M6-raftaw;int>p· pofition to the Ceremonial, as not being clear and full, and not able to jufiifie,though men refled in the obfervances of it; and not P,erfetl, becaufe not durable, an~ was not to remain for ever : Thus u~br. 7· I~. The Law m~c-n~thingperfcffJbut onc'J the bri~g- . •ng