Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

ingin of a better hope: Aman. could ~ot 'be fantlified, jnflified, I {aved, without Chrifi, by theDtfpenfatton ofMt{et. So Heb. 9• 9· That fervice could not rmt~e the comer thereuntoperfect, .u ap.- . pertaining to the c;rmfcien(e.: The Soul·could fi.nde no eafe and reft I in it withoutlookmg to Chnil. But thoug.h tbts fencebe probable, yet I rather underfia~d the ':"holt Do~rine ~nd W'?r,d ofGod, and chiefly che GofPel: TheW·l'll{)fGod 10 Scripture ts called a Lanr; So agodly man is [aid f(} meditat1 .on the L A W day and night, Pfa/. 1. and thy Law do I~~~, Pfal. 1H9. where by Law is un– detfiood ·the whol\!W(wd; al'ld the Gof~Us 'alkcl v&~@- '7Tk£~, ) the Lftw ofFaith, Rom.3.21· Nowth~Lawisfaid to·beperf4t, becaufe 'cis fo forma1ly'; and tMy that 19(}k_·inC8it) ,,w.HHee that there needeth Rt;> ; oth~ Word to mnk:! the m,$m. of (}~ perfeEt. · ' . · 0 f Liberty,] 'Tis ·f 6 <:alkd, ·partly\locaufe of the dearnefs ·of Revelation, 'tis the counfe1·of God t0tliHri~nds; or, faith Pifca– "tor, becaufe1.t {~et'k'BeRe, · •but tiea-let~h•with all freely, -wil}h<>P.t refped: of per[())ris; ' ihpu~~ the.y .ihe \h.igiter, richer, flronger, then t>thers; but ratperJbecaufe-rt ·caUeth w.Nnt.o·a.ftate of fr~ed<>m. See other R-eafons in 'f!l)eNotes. · And continueth there-in,] Tha·t is, ~r.fe.yer:eth in the fiudyof ·thi~ holy Dotlrine, and ·~emaineth, inthe'knowledg,bdiet: and.obedience of 1t• . ' . ;, . n; ;{, : .. ; . •• . .•. ~ ( ' J:le bfit?g YUJt a~f~rgdfril· h;~-er;j .tix.act1tl$ r'lk~M:t1p.·oP~;, an l ·IJ4arcr of O''blivion, ·an.M-e'/Jraifm.; 'artd he·ufeth this term to an– fwer ·the former fial)litude of a mans forgetting ·his natural 1£2ce. . -Qut adoer of the ·\\lork_,J That is, laboret'h,to refer and tbring ~11 things to ·pra&ice : ·He:is<faia:tobe"" doerotbit fiudieth it~ -do, ~tbongh-hishand cloth ndt .r-each ·t{l) ·the perfeel:nefs of t-he w6rk ; ·that ,is.mindful of ·the:bdfin'ef'Sent out tohim-id the ·Word. · ~ H~flu•lFbe !vleffe-d in·'bi.dleed.] l'hat is, fo behaving himfdf, or ~ ro domg; orr~ ~sfome~re;generally, ne·~all ~c bklfed -inall his ~~ay~_; -whaftoever :hetiot~: fhaU •be1'ro~ ~nd happy : For "tli~ co~ceive it't_~·~e ~~· all~li~n 'to~e-wor-6_5·~~ · the firft ·Pfal'!', ~err. '3· ·!fff!ve-rc'l1e {hiUNlo, fba'll •'Pro.fft~r ! "f"Or ·the Pfatm,n. ·fpeike~h· thereof doing ihe·La\v, -and 111edit~tlng in· die Law, ·as ·7ame: fp~ak~th · her.e • of1/oo~'{g ' i+:to ,the Law ·'()f-~iberty, -an.d 1V2l~mg ·m tt. But •here· the·•Papill:s come 11poiH1s~ -and fay, '/.Jo v~ ~c 3 , hert