\ Ob{crv. J, . \ \ Prov. :, 4 . I l l Ol1flrv. 4· A11 Expof~tion, 'WithNotes here iJ a clear place that we ~re blef{edfor our deeds. But I an– fwc:r, ~cis good t@mark tbe difiinel-nefs of Scripture phra[e; the Apofile doth not fay for, but in his deed: ·ris au argument or evidenc-e of our bldfednefs, though not the gronnd of it ; the way, though not the caufo. The Peintsare thefe : I. From that [He look_eth] Th~et 'We fhon/J'With allferioufnefs And earneftnefs i1tpply our [elves to the /znowledg of theGo!pel: There lhould bedeep Meditfttion anddiligent Enquiry. Your firft duty, Chriilians, is, to admit theWord into your ferious thoughts: Pfat. I .2. HemeJitateth in the Lawday a11d night: We Chould always bechewing and fucking out the fweetnefsof this cod; P[a. 45, I. My heart enditetbagoodmatter : The word.in the Origi– nal fignifieth ~a'<fth or frJeth; ~tis an allulion to the Mincvth, or meat-offering that was baked and fryed in apan: Truths are con– cocted and rtpened by Meditation. And then there mu{\ be dili· gent enquiry,that we may not content our fdvs with thefurj}lce of Truth,buc gee into thehowels of ic: I Pet. 1.10. OfWhichSalvati– on the Prophets have enquireddsligently: Though they hadamore immediate affill:ance·of the Spirit, yet they would more accurately look into the dtpchs and myUeries of che Gofpd. and confider their ~wn Prophecies.S~archfor wifdomM for hidden treafures: Jewels do not lie upon the furface; you mufl: get into the caverns and dark receptacles of the ~arth for them : No more do Truths lie in thefur– face or outfide ofan exprefsion. The beauty and glory of the Scrip.;. tnres iswithiw, and mnfi be fetched out with much (ludj and pr~Ji.r.. Aglance cannot difcover the worth of any thing to us: He that cloth buc cafi his ~ye upon a piece ofembroidery, cloth not difcern the <:urioufi·lefs and the art of it: So to ,know Chrifi in lhe bulk,doth not work halffo kinply with us, as when we fe,arch out the bredrb, and tht depth,and the length, the exaei dimenfions of his love to us. 2. TheGof}el is a Law: •Tis often invefied.with this Title and apptllation;Ro.S. z.The Law oftheSpirit ofthe life ofrefmChrift, hathmade m fr:eefrpm the Law of fin a_Jcl _death : The,Covenant . of Work.! is there. ~lled_ the Law of fin anddeath, bec(Jufe'the u\e of it to man fain. is to convi.nce of fin, and to obhge and ·binde over to death : But the Gofpel, or Covemmt of Grace, is called .the Law of the Spirit of life ofChrift, bec,aufe the intent of. it is, by Faith to plant us into Chrift, whofe life we are ~nabled to l~ve - .. - . . ·- . - . by .t.:. ··