CHAP. I. upon the Epifile of JA -M ! s. VERS.2). by the Spirit; and 'cis cafled t~e Law of th~s life, becau_fe every thing that concurreth to the nght con!btutton and makmg of a Law is found in the Gofpel: As, 1. Equity, without which a Law is but Tyranny: All the Precepts of the Gofpel are juft and equal, mofr proportionate to the dignity of mans nature: 'cis all ho!y,good, and comfortable. 2• There. is, which is 1 the life and form of the Law, and wtthout whtch cwep~ but a privatefnare to catch men and intrap them: Now 'tisgproclaim- !. 1\:ti. 6x, x. / ' eJ to the captives; it mull: be preached to every creature, ./Liar, 16. 1 3. The Author, without which "cwere /edition ; God, who can prtfcribe to the creature. 4• The End, publique good, without_ which a Law were tyrannom exaClion; and the end is the Salvation of our Souls. Well then, Look upon the Gofpel as a Law and ) Rule, according to which, I. Tour lives mu(f be conformed : Peace on them thllt walk;. according t~ this Rule, Gal. 6. 16. that is, the directions of the Gofpel. 2. AllControverjies and DoClrincs muft be decidea: To the Law and the Teftimony; if they fPef'lk,. nut acctJrding to this Rule, it is becaufe there is no light in them..J, 1fo.S• .,o. 3• Tour eftatu muft 'be judged: God 'Will judg the fecrets "fmm,according to mJ GofPel,Ro. 2..16. The whole Word carrieth the face ofa Law,_according to which you lhall be judged: nay,the GofPel it felfis ~t Law,p:1rtly as 'cisaR1.ele,partly becaufeof thecom- -mandmgprev~iliNg power it hath over the he~t'[t : So 'cis the Law ·ofthe Spirit oflife; fo that they that are in Chrifi: are not without a ·Law, not d,vop.ol, but ~vvop.o1. So the Apofile, 1 Cor, 9· 2. 1. I am not Without the Lflw, but under the L~w to Chrift ;. that is, under -the Rule and Dired:ion of the Moral L~w ; as adopted' and taken in as a part of the Gofpel by Chrift. 3· 'TheWorqofGodis a perfect Law: So ..cis .in divers refpects: Obferv. 3·/ I. Becaufe it maketh perfect; The neerer we come to the Word,the greater is the perfection and accomplifhment Ci>f our fpirits ~ The _goodnefs andexcellency of the Creature lieth in theneereft confor– mity to-Gods Will. 1 ~· It direcfteth US· to thegreateft perfeClion, to God blelfed for ever, to the righteoufnefs of Chrifi:, to perfeCt communion with God. in glory. 3· Icconcerneththe whole man, and bath~·force upon the Confdence : men go no.further then omward obedtenc.e; but the Law ofthe Lord is perfeU, co~Jverting tbffoul, P f. I9·7· 'Tis not a lame defective Rule; befides outward obferv:m– ces,there isfomwhatforthe foul. 4:TisaperfeCt law,becaure of the , invariable }