Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

. ~~··~----------------------------~--------------- . .An E-xpo.fttion, With Note.~ CHAP.r. h 0[orius cfe gtor. tib. '· \ \ l VERS.2~· invar-iable te(lor of it; it needech not to be changed, but is alMys like it felf: as we fay, That's aperfed Rule that needeth noamend– ment. ;. ~ris pure, and free trom Error: Thereal'eno Laws of 111en but there are fome blemifh in them; of -old, wickednefs was cnaEJed by a Law, h Adulceryby aLawof the Syriam, the Virgins were to profritute themfelves before marriage: So in the Laws of e- . very Country there are fome marks of humane error and frailty ; but, Pftt.I 19.140. Thy Word is purc,therifor-e thy [er<Vr:t'ltt lfJvtth it. 6. Becaufe 'tis afufficient Rule: Chrifl bath been f.4it hf ul i~ ' all his hsu{e, in all the appointments of it. What ever is necdfary for knowledg, for regulating of lif-e and 'WIIr/hip, for c:onftrmation of true Dochines, for tQnf#tatfon of falCe, ~cis aU in the Word. 2 Tim. 3· I7• -That the 1#JIIJ lo,fGodmay beperfeE11y fumij1Jed UJ:J-: toever)good Work._. WtU thm, J:. Prize.the Wnrd -: .wdrwc: W~lat is perfet:l:. 2.. Sotfcrnoth'iAg ·tobeaddedto.ic: .Deut. 4· Ye {h~tfl not add to the WordWhich .JcommandyoM : .So the ~b(l)ie 'B.bbl:e ~s concluded, Revel. 2.2• . t·S. lfdn.J one addto the{e things, G,od\fbt~ll ~tdd to him the plagues that are ~;-itte.n in t>hu Jook: Twili ,be a ·fad Jzdding that incurreth thQ{e vlagues. The -piagil~ w.Fic£ea~o that bo(')1< were.thofe dreadful Ju~rnootsthlt th",mld-he mceatted ·upon Y.fnDichr.ift{and his~dturr.emrs•; 'theyarc ma{ffortadd~g•.c.oy.n.– ingnewDoctrinesGf Faith; \pitlcing·uprt:heW.otd with tbetr ·f>wn inventions : !And indeed, as they add;by-obtruding.uporo?the wor:ld theHvldiuon.r.and .ufage.s of mm ; !o others .add,'by impofingup– ·onmms tf!V.etence their'GWn.inrv.entirms arid cim4ginatson-s ~ They -cr-y tip 'th~irJf:rnllies, without.the W.or..d, :abd rprjv.Jtte .illuminat-i– ons: God ·would n0t· IB:t.v.e t'h~-wo»lii itt rfo great.annncertaioty. Others urge the Commands oftmen. CertainlyGod:ne.ver ioteoded ·that the Souls.of ·his -people ihould be left as:aprey ·to -\the prefent power. . , 4• That the'Go!pel,.or ,ww,J,of Sod,ruH LJfW fJj', :-,A.s ~cStaperfcEt, '(o":tis~afree.Lnw• .So ~isindiv~Es ~d19<tJfbs-; 1 . Be– caufe it teatheth theway t0ctrue 'Liberty and .Freedom fram fin, wrath, dett~h· : -naturally we.areunder theLaw .of lio .and death, intangl~d 'Wtth tltt yoke df oant>wn corruptions, andbound over to eternal mifery; .but the ,Qofpel ~tis .a Dotlrine of .Liberty1md Deliverance : J oh. 8. 36. If the .Son fo_all mak.eJoufr<e.., 10.11- fhaO be free indeed : There is no &re ,fo free as that.whicb we ~ enjoy -by the Gofpel. z. The bo»d of Obedimoe that is:layd .upon~s . IS