Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

uprm the Epiflle of J A M B s. VE ltS.2). 201 is ia d'eecl. and irr truth a perfeEt Freedom. For, I. The matter it felf of our obedieece is Freedom. ) z. We-doicuponfreeprinciples. ) 3· We ha~e .the help of a free Spirit. 4• We do It ma.ftate of Fre-edom. , - y, The matter is Freedom: Duty is the _greateft libertJ, ~ndjin, the greateft bond-age. You cantlot hll'Ve a·worfe rdl:rainc, theR to– be left to walk. in the \\Jays of'ytJur own hearts. The finning An– gels are faid to bekept in chains of d.zr/zyefs, {ude 6. A wicked man is in bond,lge here, and hereafter; now in [nares, then in chflins: here talzen captive· bJ Satan at his Wilt and pleafure, 2 Tim. z, z6. and hereafter bound up with Satan in chains ofdark: nep• .Sin it felf is arbond4ge, and.~ell a q pri[o1t :_ Were there no- q 1 Per. 3 19 , thmg trr fin bttt the prefent fiavery, m ,enough todtlfwade us: Who would be to his own·Iufis? at the command of pride, an~ every unclean motion ? But alafs, the preferrc thraldom is· nothing to what is future. The condition of a finner for the prefent is {grvile, but hereafter Wofu! and dreadful. S:.-tt:tns \\ 7 ork_ is drudgery, and his reward is deP~th: How can we remait1 in fuch an eHate with any:pleafure ?. From the beginning ro the end 'ris but amiferab!e ferviliq. Why thould we a.ccounrChrifis ferviee a burthen? when 'cis the mofr happy liberty and freedom? The world is all fo-r oafli 1 ng a-fldehthe coar.ds, fordshre.<tkf:ng thefe- hhondl.s, P jlz. 2.d3. Which- J· _ wcu dy:ou l¥e.? the.cMr of dttty, or· t e c ;ains of ark_nefs ? We canl'TC1t endure the.reflnims of the Word, or the fevere grave Precepts-of Chrifiianiry ; we look upon them as aH infringement ofour carnal eafe and liberty :. Ohconfider thefe are not gives) bu~: ornaments; Pfal. I 19. 45'. I foal! Walk at li6erty, for I feek... thy precept.~:; BEDDACHAH, at large: That's theonelyfreelife that is fptmt in loving,, ami pr.aifing God. Oh do not rount it therr to be the only free and pleafant life, to know nothing, to care fetnothing,inmatters of Religion: Who WGUld dote upon hisjback.fes.? and think qives a liberty.? 2 Pet. z. 19. While they prQmifo t:lmnfelves liberty, they,the.mfolves are the forv.mts ofcor– rupti6;y ; for ofwhom aman is.:o~'er·come, of the.fam•ejs he 6rought intti h" The Apo!Ue alludeth to the Law of Nations, by which.·c~s la.wful to make Oaves of thofe that are overcome and taken in War. Now thofe that preach carnal Doctrine, and tell men t:hey m.zy li'Ue ~ t.heylift, they help on the vial:ory of fin> and Dd fo