Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CHAP.I. Hpsn the Epiftle of J A M E s, kinde of eft ateand fPirit. So Luk:_ t. 74· Being delivered out of J the hands of our enemies, we ferve him Without fear: d1at is, without fuch a fcrupulous awe and bondage, as otherwtfe would remain upon the Soul. · Well then, Confider whether you be under a Law ofLtberty, yea or no: To this end, r. Ask your Souls, which i,S a bondage ro you, Sinor Dnty ~ When you do complain of the yok.f, what is grievous to you ! the Cornmandmen.r, or rhe Tranfgreffion? Do yoH delight in the Law Bfthe Lerd in the inwardman l onely corVfl. ruption that ,hangeth on fo fail:, is a fad burthtn ? The carnal heart ,hatha f fpite at the Law, not its own tufts•. . 2. ~henyou do Du- fRom, S. -;. ty, what is theWeight that poyfeth your fpmt_s to tt? Your \\!ar- -rant is the command, but g your poyfe and \\•eight fl1ould be love. gAmor mcus ·3• What is your firength for Duty? Reafon, or the afsifiance of eft pu~td!tj me., h h h . h' r. 11 .fi a h um, (O JeY()i' t efree Spirit? Het at comet m IS own name, Utua y an t't qnocttlwte ft· upon his own bottom: When our depmdcmce is on Chrift, our tend- ror. Aug. enCJ' is to him. 4· Would you have the Work_accepted for its o~~ fak.!? oryour perfons accepted for Chriffs fak.! ? 'Tis an ill fign, when amans thoughts run more upon the property and quality of theWor,Z, then upon the propriety and intereft of his perfon. In the Law ofLiherty, or Covenant of Grace, Gods acceptance be.. ginneth with the perfon; and though there be wMk., ferviccs, H1uch deadnefs, coldnefs, dulnefs, yet ..£is accepted, becaufe 'cis done ha free {fate. Work.! can never be fo vile as our perfon was · when we firfl: found favor with God. If it be thus with you, you have cacfe to blefs God for your freedom, to confider, wh.1t you • foal! render a~rain ! h Requite God you cannot, till you pay back ~ Deo 1 ·ededmptz o . . c. 1 umrts mm as mcch as he gave you: He bath gtvenhu Son to 1ree you, and debcm 1 t's. Salyou lbould give upyour[elves. • · vian. 5. From that [And abideth therein,] Thu cf3mmendeth our Obferv. 5. k.ztowledg of, an~ ajfeUion to, the Word, to continue in it : Hypo. crites have a tajle, fome mens hearts burn under the Ordinances, but all is lofi and {irowned in the world again: {oh. 8. 3 T. if y~ continue in the Word, then areye my Difciples indeed: There may begood flalbes for the prefent, but Chrift: faith, if ye continue ,i if ye ripen them to good affeEtions. So 2 Joh.:9. Whgfoever tran{- grej[eth, ~1:1d abideth not in the DoUrine of (hrift, hath not God; but he th11t abideth in the DoCfrine of Chrift, he hath both the F11ther llnd the Son: He that hath not God, bath loft himlelf; Dd 2 and