VERS.2). .An Expo(ition, with Notes · ·and he that bath God, hath all things : oow fo great apriviledg is promifed Jo perle..veraoce. T{.le corrupt AAgds loihheir glory,when they left their love to the Truth : their fin is thus exprdled, they abode not in the Tmth, !oh. 8. 44· Now to this abiding in the Word two things are 0ppofite; I. dpoftacy, when we go· off from our f0rmer profefsion and ~~1 for God ; a cafe ! 2 Pet, 2.2 I. Better they-had never k....mnm the ho/7 Oommandment,th.on to · go bttckfrom the fe.!zowledg ofit,after it was once ddiverd_to them. The left Law, the lefs tranfgrej]ion; Apo.fl:ates fin againfi mor.e conviction: Pfal. I 19. JI 8. Thou hafl:troden.down them that err i ~ic E~ebo-jrom thy ftatutes: Go.d treadeth them under feet as 1 1tn[a·vory ltm ~e zpf 0 ;, becaufe they have loft theidmarmefsand favor. 2. There is TialwJ·e~-7~ P-"- h~uJ>sJ'd!JJ(,ct~!a, other Go rf..eJlinfT ,· Gal. 1. 6. Soon turned to .lN- ' o ' "'Y o r;o d._l..rM 7° other Gof}el: So I Tim. I. 3· Charge them thtlt they teacli no dvctl.:5-n1ov. 1 other doCtrine: Men wot1ld have fomething new and firange, Socrat•. . \ which is ufu:.1lly theground of Herefie. So 1 Tim. 6. 3. If anJ Eccl. hzs7:. tellCh otherwije, and .confettt not to wholefom \VordJ, even the lib. 3• cap.2. \vords of our 'Lord 'fefm Chnff, he is proud, nothing: . This defire todiffer, and hear -another Gofpel, is very dangerous; New Ways atferl:ed are the high way to an .old Err.or. Well then ; If wemufr abtde in the Word, then, I . Be fure to cherifhg0odmotions, it they .come upon your hearts ; you are tp abide th~rei(i : :tho:ugh the Spirit break in ~pon · the Soul of .afud- . den, let it not_go.(o : Ufua!Ly our religious pltlgs arebut lil<e a(ud– den jlafh of lightening into adarkplace. 2. Be careful to obferve the jirff decays and languiiliments ·of your fpirits, that you may ftrengthen the things that are ready to dye, Rev. 3· 2. If the candle of the Lord doth not jhine as it was wont to do, complain of the firfi dimnefs and decay. · obje.rv. -6. 6. From that [.Being not aforgetful hear.Jr]That hearers muft t~tk! heed that they d? not forget the good thrngs difjenfed to.the-m. Helps to memory are thefe: 1. Atte,~tion ; men remember what they hted and regard: Prov. 4• 21 ~ Att.e.;;d to my foyings, k§cp them in the micl.ji -of thine heart; that is, in fuch aplace where no– rthing .can come to .take them away: Where there is atuntwn, there will be retention: The Memory i~ the Chen and ark.. of Divine Tru.th5oand aman fhould fee them .carefully lockedup. Ifai. ~z. 2 3· Who Will hark.§n,a'f!d,f.or the time f-{} c-cm.e ? Harf<!n· i~ no.t.ethr-cver.ence ·a~dferiW4fnefl; as~~isf-a~d, lfai. 3~· z. The tars