Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

CHAP.I. upon.the Epiflle of J A M E s. ears ofthem thr.t !:~ear fhall hark.fn: Now reverence in the admif– fion of· the Word, helpeth us in the keeping of it :; Truths are loft by flight hearing. z. Ajfea.ion, that'sagreat friend to Memory; J _ ~ men remember what fur: An old manwill not forget where he layd his bag of gold: Delight and love aret.ilways renew.- . ing and re.viv·ing the objeCl: upon our·tboughts. Pfal. I 19. David ofcen afferteth his delight·in the Law, and therefore •cwas Glway-s in his thoughts; Vcr.f.·97· Oh I th].:Law, 'tu my meditatio11 ttll the day! 3• Application and appropriation of Truths; we will remember that which concemeth our felves: In a p1:1blique EdiCl:, a man will be fure to carry away that which is propt?r to his cafe -and tenure: Job 5· '-'7• .He-ar thu, ;ar;d.4tzowit for t·hy g,o-od; · There he fpake to me: this I muO: So Prov. 9. 12. Be wifefor thy fc.lf; T~his.istfor: your Souls, ·and concerneth you nee.rly. 4· Meditation, 'and 'hoLy .care to ·cover tbe ·Word, ~chat it be not·fnatehed from vain .thoughts ; ~t~la't ' fowls ofthe air do not peckopthegoodj'et:.d, A1at. 13. You fhould often revolve and revive iLup.on the thomghts,, when '·d6 tofied in the hand,leav.etblhe odor -Gnd fmdl ·df ·it .behinde, -when ,~ ' tis gone: Luk.:_ 2. 19. Mary /zept .tb.e.fe.f,ag.ings, and poxlder-eti them tn her her~rt : She ke}!'t ·th:em, becaufe 'Ihe pondered rhem. 5· Obfervation of ~the a.arompli01 a~ent - of -Trutl:Js: you will re– member .things fpok<n.long fince,when youtf~e thtiDl verified : '}oh. -2.19. 7-hen .they,that,it \'\1M. .~'ri('tl6't9T.he ~ca(,of tJhin.e ho-ufe hat-he(Jt e-rHJJe !!<p. Su!!h ru1caGons -WilLtruike 'old Truths re co ;n~ to miutde artdb. So VerC..z2. Then tkey r.emtmbrefl, he hadjjlofe.!n ofdestroying the Tem.ple';,n three days. So'God faith, .H<Jj'e-11. 7. 1 2. l wift cha.ftife them, :.u their Congregation hathheard: When the Prophets1are anGi gor:Je, they n,1ay -re– member they wer.t> t:a:J:ighr:fuch things.alopg time fim::.e. ,o. Jh':alfifc \vhat th~u heart[} : youwill re::nember•!the good you get ,by .it : I 1vill ·rem(mber thy Precepts, for by thou .ht~~ft qu~ck!ned me, Pfal. ll9· 49. _Cimfiians.can .di(eourJe of the 'circumftances of that Sermon hy wbich they have ,received :profit. · 7· Commit it .to tht 5pjrit,r }zeeping.fJnd charrge : 1.o.h. T4~ 2:6. ·TheComj9.rttr !-vrt.LJ;v-6-g-c.,, /hall,bringlthings t~o your ·rtmempr«nce. OhriO: chargeth .the.HolyGhofi ·.w.ith his own -Sermoru;,;· ·the E>ifciples memories wt:re too fiip.p.~ry this is which_ they have; that have im_erdl: .in the P:romifr Ghthe.s.pirit, rhat truths are D d 3 brought