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~o6 Obfirv~ 7· An Expofition, 'With Notes brought frethly to minde'in the very feafon wherein they do concern them. . 7• From that [He being not aforgetful hearer,but 1t doer] Sin commeth for want of remembring ; forgecfull hearers are riegll– genta P[~«l. 103.1 S. Them that remember hu Commandements to do them; a godly man hath an affective memory, he remem– lneth to do: Wicked men are often expre!fea and fee cue by their bad memories, as Job 8. r';. They forget G6d: [o P[al. 119. 1 39• Mine E1fernies have forgotten th] Word; that is, they do not pratlife it ; yea, the fins of Gods people ufually fins of for• getfulnej{e and incogitancie: as Peter would never have been fo bold and daring ·upon the d:mger, and done what he did, if he had remembred: the Text faith, whrn be remembred, he"'tpt b~tterly, Luk. 2.2. 61. So when they fainted under affliction, Heb. I ~. ) • Tehttve forgotten the confo/ation which fPeakfth to .,ou iU •hi!drtn .. Abad memory is the cau{e of agreat deal of mifchief in the Soul. So for difiru!l, Mark_8. I 8. Ye fee ,and hear ,but do not remember : they did not aeiually con5der the former experience of the loaves and filbes, and fo difhullcd. So for murmuring and impatience, Davidmurmured till he remembred the yeares of the right h11nd of the moft high, Pfa/. 77· xo. \Ve finde that feafon- \ ·. abl~ truths give a great Cieai of relief and eafe to the minde in·a temptation : Lam. ;. 2.1. Thu I recall to minde, and therefore I hav.e hope; whereas, others are troubled with every event of providence, becaufe chey do not remember the comforts the I S(:rip(ure bath provided in fuch a cafe. They that came to the \ Sepulchre were troubled about the death and refurredion of Chrift, becaufe they had forgotten WhRt he had JPok!t~· to them in Galilee, Luk._. 24. 6,8. So when the Thejfa!onians were troubled at the growing of errors, and extreamly thaken in their confidence, P~ul faith, 2 Thej[. l. ~. Remember ye not hoW I JP<1.~e of thofe things: 'cis very obfervable that in many places ofScripture all dut] is exprefied by this word Remeu:ber, as if it did neceffa– rily imply fuicable actions and affc.dions: fo &xotbo. Remember the Sabbath day, as if rhen they mufr needs faneiifie it : fo Eccl. u. 1. Remember th] Creator; '.is put for allrhat reverence,duty, and worfhip which we owe to God; In other places rhe link between memory and duty is plainly aiferted, Numb. 1 S· 40. Th"t Je ma1 remem,ber to do t~ll "'1 Commandementl; A iea{on- , able