CHAP. I. upon the Epiflle of JAM I s. able recalling of Truths doth much. Ymt fee q_ut,o( all this, that we fuould not only get knowledge, bur remanhrance ; that we (bould not only faithfully lay up truths, but ftttfomlblylay them out ; '"cis a 5reat skill to do {o, and we had need call in the help of the Spirit ; there are fome truths that arc of a general! ufe and benefic; others, that ferve for fome c&fes and feafons: in the geaeral, hide the whole Word in your hearr, that ye may have a(refo truth to checkjin in every temptation, P(al.Il9• I I. So lay up the mercies of God, chat you may be than~eful; forget not all his benefits, P[al. 123. z.your ftnr, that yon may be h1nr.-.. hie; 1Jeut. 9, 8. Remember and forget not hoW thou pro!Vo~efl the Lord thy Godin the Wildernrfs; fo remarkable experiencts, the years of Gods right hand, that you may be confident: labour thus to get a prefent ready memory, that wi!l urge t:-uths iQ the feafon when they do concern us. 8. From that [But a doer .ofthe Wor~] The W~rd l~y~th out 06fet:v• 8. work for us : 'cwas noc ordamed only ~or fpeculauon, tts a rule - of duty to the creatures; there is the Wor~ of faith, John 6. ~9. the labour if r/ove, Heb. 6. IO. and fruits worthy repentance, 3· 8. All th;s work is cat out to us in the Gofpel , faith 1 lov,e, and new obedience ; do dot concent your felves then with amodule oftruth-, the Apofile calleth it, Rom, z. zo."tV tln>np.n~, aform of ~noW/edge; with a'Winter fun, that lhineth, but warmeth not, let not the tree of k!zowledge deprive you of the tree of life; work the works of God, faith is your Worl(, repentance is your bujine(s 1 and the life oflove and praife your duty• . 9· From that [Sh~lbehle!Jedinhudeed: J There id a blejfedne(s O/Jforv. 9~ Annexedto the d~ing ofthe wo1-k of the Word; not for the works fake, but out of the mercy of God : fee then that you hear fo , that you come within the compaffe of the bleffing;th~ bleffing is ufually pronounced at the time ofyour addreffes toGod in this :wor. lhip : fee that your .own interdl: be clear , that when the Minif1:er in <Gods name faith, Blrf{ed is he that heareth the Word and ~~epeth it, you may Eccho again to God, and blej[e him in your reiner, for that he hath bowed your hear.c to the obedience of i~ · VEasa; ..