Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

A11Etxpoji.tio~ -with- Notes V E R s B .. 26-. But,ifany mr:tn among you [um~th to he reli. giom ,1mdBridlerh not hu tongue, bt~t deceivetb hi:s own foul, thu mans Religion u vain. · . I . The Apofile, ha.ving thewed the ble[fednefl of thofe which are doer J ofthe Word, ld~ any fhould feem to challenge a· lhare in it ro·wh0m·it doth not belong,he di[covereth who are heareri on/1 and not doer 1 of the Word; men that do allow themfelves in any known fin; and he ir;{l:ancech in the-evils of the-tongue. ~eft. Before I open ·che words any funher, I lhall inquire· why [11.mes doth pitch fo much weight upon this one particular? it ieeming fo inconfiderabte in it fdf, and it having·fo little refpefr to the context ? - Anfw. TlreR:eafons affigned in the An{wer will afford us fo manyNotes. I Rea{. 1 I Becaufe this: is achief part of our refpetl' to ·our neighbour : • • And, True lov.e to god \l!dl be 1mmifefledhy lo'E! e to our neithbor; they d0not ufually derrafr from •orher~, wh0m-God hach pMdo. ned ; he that {aid, T?Nm foalt love God, hath alfo faid-, Thou-fhalt love thJ neighhatfr; though-~he object be diverfe yet tire g.round for obedience:iS·the (ame.;: therefore the hpofiles ufually ·bring this.ArguurenUo unmask a:nd difcolour HypofritiaaL perJ'wsft:om, as 1 John z. 9· He that fa ith he ·id in the light·, and. hdtet-h.his b~:o• _rh~~,ill ~n.da'l'lz.nefs eve-tJ till noW; So I J oh.-;.1:7, r-8. If he jhut "P' hi& bowel-s fromlh.i"J h~other, how dwelleth t-he !ov~ of God·in ~im? how can ic·be imagmed rhat chofe that are fenfible ob tlre love of God, thould be mercilels rowa·rds others? Sa 1: [ohn 4- z.o. He that loveth not hi:s brother Whom-he hath fee-n , howcan helove 6od whom-he. bath no.nfe-en !'-The good•and atrratli venefs·chat· is in:.ot.hers-, is an obj:etl of the fenfes, and ufuaUy rhey; make a firong impreffi0n ~- well then, dt) not Batter your fd ves with.du· tiuofwol"foip,in,the ne.g~eei: of duties ofcomm6rCf'. Rea[. ~· 1 Bec~ufe of the·naturall pronenefs that ts in•us t b off<!nd wit·h the nongue :.cen[uning i:s a; flea.ftng (in, e-xtream-ly·compliant With nwture.:;· how•pro:penfe .the··of·man is to it , I ihall iliew you in the third chapter. Speech is the difcovery of 1 eafon, <>era rnption foon nmneth out that way ; well then,watch over it; the more namrall corruptions are, the more care 01ould we ufe to fuppm1ft·them : PJ a!. 39• 1. I Wit! take heed to may Way:, that 1 offend