upon the Epiflleof J A M & s. VB 1l s.z6. ,fend not W1th mJ tot~gue ; there needeth fpecial caution for that : ar.d as you iliould Watch, fo you lhould pray, and defire God to 'watch over your watching; 'Pj id. r41. 3. Set a Watch before my ) mouth, k.!ep the doo}- of 111) lips: The awe of God is agreat re~ firaint. . Becaafe ·cwas the fin oLthat age.; as appeareth by his frequent · Rea[. 3• djffwafives: ·See Yer'£ . 19.;,-, so (;_ap. 3'· per totum. Sa Cap. 4· Verf. I 1 ,&c. TheNote is, •T is an ill jign to be carrycdaway l:Pith the evil of the times: 'Tis adefcription of wicked men, Eph.2.z.. ·that they \Vallzedaccordi~g to the courfi of thM world; in eh~ 0~ .riginal, xa/' fll~rd., . according to the age, as the-mannel' of the times w~nt; So ,.Rom. I 2~ l~ ·Be IIJ(J,t ,confo'rmed to tbis world; ~ fll~fll n/lj', ' to thu,age ;)t~e meaning is, .2o not get into the garbot rhe iimes. So · 2. Chron. ,I'q. 4· He wa!k._td tt/ter the trade rJJ Ifrael: M:my do fo, they wal~after the fathion and trade of the Conntry, and rimes, wherein they live. Oh confider, this is the fure note of ·· · , a:vain profefsion; Sins \\ 1 hen they grow common, become lejs– odio,m ; and ·therefore .Oight fpiries commit them without·· re~ morft'. , , ~ Becaufe it feemerh fa· fmall a!in : and having layd aGde groffet" Rea[. 4: . fins, they did che more fecurely continue in rhe praCli-ceof it : they were not Adulterer·s, Drunk..c-t.rdJ, and therefore fhttering them~ fd_ves with a (hewof Holiilefs, they did the more freely ·cenfurc andaetr(ta from-others. Note, Ind11lgence in_the leaft (Jn c-.mhot ftarJd.,\Vjt~ ' Grac.e: Your f!eligioiJ is 'Vain, if you ~o not refrain (\ JON_r to'!gue: They a~e mtferably mifiaken, that hope to redeem rhe1r Souls from the gwlr of oqe fin byabfiaining from the practice of another.. Some are precife injmalt things, that they may be ex:– ~Qfep for non-.obfen:ance.o£ the 'Wei~kJ.ier tbing~ oFt-he L-aw: As· ch~--~.C9Jrlack~ when rirn cann~tJ d-i~fi tolidifoo'd;~ n~:t,rublly defirerh to· :fil~ ~c Jelf .~!.th wa~er; or fu.ah l1ghr fimffi as 1 b~tde'th! ·naught but· wmd : The .Pharifees -tithcd;Mint 4itd Cummin,' &c. Otliers a ... voyd gro£f~ Gns, .and hope tha.(s an exc~fe for o_rher·corr,upcions ,that, a;re no~ fo odtous : . ~C~lll pitad, Is ~t not·>f; 'h-ttle'o;1e, ttt~Jd my .f:f.:~!.fo.111 <t..v~Ju& ~~~0 ·1 a1 Jv: ,,:> ~ ~r.dJ....t 'CdrJJ; :.. d , :;. ·J Becau~e thi~ is ufually t~e H~p~crit~s fin: FfJP.:crifeshqfo·tifl :·'O·' zhrrs?_m? e.lt.Jl~f.~b!e t-o. /Jrz~I-e tl.hen!rtrmguet, jintflfh'e) fth-at fClm to be r~hgzom? are moft. free t"n cenfuring; . Panlybecaufe, being· ac~ quamced With thegmlcof their own fpirits, they are moll: apt to E e fllfpetl: Re.if. 5·} l