Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

. . .An Expojiti'n, 'With Notu ft{peet o£hfrs. faith of his Father~ ~'tf .,., ~ -7&vl!~~~ d :.~tar ~J'~_:;tn,&c. he b~ting of an itm0cemand candid Soul, wu k fs apt to think evil of others; ahd he giveth this r~afc:>ns ~t,tt.l'~ ' , , ,. ' , , " , ., ... J .r: . I )•:L? ti;" "tfrr;YCit!JI ~~x.11, 'TO '.Tf~4 iGEL)t.le;W rrl/g'l£fVIHG'JI} vOO>l11tj.t IJ i!afl Ju Ffi cio:-u, and pl.tin heart; thin/z a/lltk! thn:;felvn. Partly b€• ~aure they bfe to be much abroad, tha~dre (oi l!ttl~ ~e tbome ~ Cen1 furing .is a trid< of the D€, CO ti:Ike off .i:he >tar~f-rotn their own hearts ; ;md therefore, to excufe indignation ag~!rtfl: .i:heir{)wn fin~. their zeal is paffionate in declaiming againfi the tinsofothers. Grao· cious hearts reflect mofi upon themfdves ; theydo not feek what to neprove .;fj other;, but what to lament .i» themfeh•fJl.. Partly becaufe th"y are not fo meek at:ld gentle as true €ltrifiiails : .whe!l a man is fenfibl~ o( his own failings, he is~verY ren~r in refleCliHg upon the weakndfes of others; Gal. 6. 1, . Te "'t$hi~l1d'rt ffoiritual-, \ . reflorc himwith meek..nefs: They which an~ mofi fpiritual, are kK~7nf7f~i7e. mofi tender to fet a fain Chrifl:ian kin joynt again. Pa.ttly becaufe . ( an Hypocrite is aproud perfon ; he would have t:very one to be his Jl 3Job. 9, 10. own foil, and th<rrdore he blemilbeth others. I Dzottephe.t would · beprati11g agl\in!l: 'lohn, hecaufo he loved the preeminenct. P.artly becaufeHypocrites are befi at their tongue, and therefore cannot bridle it : When men make Religion a calk, then way is to blemilli others ·; 'cis apiece of their Religion. The Lord givey~ ro difcern into your own Souls, whet·her thefe difpofitiGns be .:tl_Ot in Y,OU, or no. · t \ ., '. • 1 ~· 4 ~ 1 ~ ~· ' v ..• r Becaufe.there is fuch aquick int~rCti>urfe between the t-Orn!ue a'nd ,.nfaJ, 6. ..., the heart, that the tongue is difcovery of it ; ·.and therefor~ ( faith the Apofile) .is their Religion vain, if they aamJot 'bridle • I their tongues. Seneca faid, that the (jmch is the o.:prefs ir~J.-~,ge of t,he hear~; ~An. d} g~~aten?eq,_he faid, . O'flt.of the abund~nvc<o[~~e he.,tn rfle. mo!f(h iffie;tk;d;.J:T:he qualtqr, ot many mens Rel1gfon may b,edifcern~ by-the intempe~atdnefs bf thdr l'Ingua-ge; wbrd~ are but the excrements and ove-rflow of their wickednefs : Aman ., I may f0on difcem of whac .Religion they are (faith Parem of the J efuire~) qui Th~ologiam in cani'n~J.m .m~ledir:entiam tr~nsfer~nt ; that, ltke angry Currs , cannot pafs by one ano~her '·:Wkhp'ttt r. l' • r ' • .. ~ i . , .... tng... · ... ,... ~,4 .:.. : •1.... (} ... J ·'"'* · ~'., ' "f',.. · ,.,~ .. • :Taefe R~~fonS.beiiJg pr~iled, cJ1e·opening of th~ Verfe will he the more eafie. · Jfany rmmfe~meth to·be rdigiPt-u J To himfcl( or others,' by the