Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

:czs:::::z:::z 2 :azs :xxsww - CHAP.I. ~tp~nthe Epift/e ef JAMB _s. u., . :6~ ~u th~ f)raelic~ ~f. forne,- f$!W things, t>.Y W~riliip, !lnQfo~e tfptiesof ·the ti.r£t T~k: . " ·· . 1 ·· , • • • • · 1 · • .4/lld. bridleth nst his tongue,] Th(;tt is, do~h not qbiJ:ain fr01ll the evils of the tongue, fuch as r.ail.iog, reviling, 'lenfaring,– tradion : Which latter (I fuppofe) is chieSy imepd_td. . ,Put deceiveth hu ewn SQl1/,] It may hce,unde~Ua~.d twlJ ways : . 1.. \ I_~ough he detract f~om others,,yetrhe \,lath r.op ~ .al!l opinion of~felf: Self.\lov.e lS tl)e gto1.1~1d of Hyppc_nfie ;.; they do not fctarch themfelves, fufpe.Cl: themfelves; rt~d.u fa-id la:il, A/after, Is it l? I hey -are too cqulll to them(dves, though too/t7!AU ep others. 2. .. Th~cnhc:r{e;.W! may be, he cometh a.t ~ngtb to flat~e.r -himfdf, ~1~e(J ~~e .hup'!Fn.S.Pn{, as w.ell~ ·ta .fi.t~- ~().·fj~(!.f.S• ~ tn.. t • , -~ .'Jr~ tJIJt?I~)?J/j._gjvn.;.i4.:'l!AiR il lf~ ~" f~f;;nf .fttiket:hA1is gr.acte,_, ~d,!he ~Jhd things that;jt~- •iP:hil}1, ~a-il!J ~iish lllnpr,o.. fiti>le ; .o.r rather, ~lis R'eligion is _pr_ezended tono purp0fe. . J • . Bdides what I .havt alreqdyfrp~ h~nce, ~you m:1y o6(erv r· ~lkCl, fr.~m thAt [Su('l.elh to P.N'tiigio,U41 .7-.JJAr~ PM} he R.A.Iigi- • • PH,o_h-q_ljlitf,pr~#flJ.!;ewnd foimi~.g: So 1 l.~lfl~ 1%.c If. tl~J , m411 A.– tfmlfOU:.(</JiP/zet-b hi ~~~.ornth ~tflj th ·!lg ;-~~is,~plritetb, flatter.. th~~~Glle'fitof his.r.knpwfe~ ::;·S.q G4/. ~r 1,1· if K.'-':1 71'hJ11.1hj~im{dffo l11 (gm~1b'i1tg;whe11 he /4 :,;,othing ~that pr:oudl'" ly tOvcrweened!l W.ti.ownwor!ht Wdl tMl. R~ e,ot in~ fwm of 'g~4/i'!e{s·, 'f..71m. ; •5; ~r .:in « f.rmn pf./z44Pwl'tJg, R!)/'11, ~· f.~ . jo.ta~;jpef~!Arnn.,,JoLdn:J.: 'P.4N;i(!JeJ Lpr.pf4fi.ot~ ~ -~·ihr:w tmAg& . .m~y: ~y1t£aiiihtwr.t~~~fi~,.m rtheJ"!W~ld;lbtit, i.lir.e pf':lp m ~tod vidcri .ac~at befor~ God~::.~Stj}l pllt:y~»url~~to·'this ,'11u~t0~ ·_».-m! :vu, 1/Jud tffe yet beyondan Hypocrite? m Bf. wba.t yo.u .wouldjumto kc.• · . debeJ. t. fF~nuha:t (BrfiJJ~thH,()/ h.~ IPfJ>!,nP,] Tqat 'CJs ~ great part 0/lf~-- ~·· .ef & bridletat~~·= 'Tber..e~re.!Weral.<!vik that fl'tdl: J>en:ftl)aitlttd~ "IJi'ilz,r[•. kwj iz!gt'1ft~flinrJt1"ill~t~rtUPJ. '" i tbaU rfpeak t>£1tbcfe.five ~l~5f:Ujmg ~'';oowire~fi thatwJrfui!Lth<tl<inlts, ..f.q!NvAciJi).otNrofi)i.i/{mM~lt_tt'Mtl, tt.uth lisi~e,gt:OObd·fiiJ ~Il1BU:c: ~cis ~din dd~ultel:hvi! co-daeJQoud~f· mamkifldr: •.The) J:efliH, .t:!Ut 1s ·the acc~Jf tr.,h_e is aHe$fdlel.rar;tq~. Qot «y up't;~G~hers, ull-y~ haGt~Gffe~-it-~ '/V:fPTt,Jay~li.e!J,· "'nd:w~. ~ifiJ r_ef~rt ~1-1~ f~ .. 2~,1d, J:tlhU!IS, {Blll'lglUS•yt~,WdJWe wdiJhl~z.t tt; and fo 11 little \\?ater u evaporated into agreat deal of ftea111J -AHri fma.k..e :, Cr~ffa -nfg/.s"geiJt$~ 'i{f, ,fa-y clrelJ7Zd;ctn;r, ,I yqudo ·. • · .011t·try iti ,¥<nt.arc gail'tf·~···~r. Gt¥r/~;\ (here~S~GotM~tiom at i he E e :. hfart