Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

VE 1t S.26. An Expo{itio11, withNotts heart, when.the t9ngue is fo blifiered. ~ris~obfervable, that when God would have the Curfes pronounced upon Mount ebal, he. employed thefervilt Tribes about it, onely Reubmwas amongfl: them thatprofiituted his far hers bed-•..There is fddom any bleffimr _for them that u[c themfelvcs to mrfes. ' J• sw.e~ring; !cis fal~ nEccleC: .9.:.. n ·The ri'ghteom jedrtth ap oath ;:_not onely tbGie jalfe-mouthed oaths' but rninc~d rJatbf;. '"and ~ain. fpeeahes, and .pere-mp_t·llr:' af[~veratifJnS in the-flighteffimatters :•Met1rthadavilhaway d€ep ·af.:. feverations upon every trifle.>, are, if the matter be:·any thirig more ferious, put upon-that, wl.ich lhould be .the l{lft rejer-ve, an oat~A._. 4· Railing; I .cake it not onely for thegrf{S raiiing,but privy-.aefoit· mations and \\'hifjeringt;·to lthe ·prejudice of.othcrrs, mecl1it,1g with other mens 111atters.; as' the ".l\P._ofile-s oftenfpeak'againit thef~, fo eiJmmerldingwith:r..B~t~1 as.~hdicripture faith ofN aa1JM14-, .l Kin. 5. I. A great ·m.1n, an honorable m~m. amighty m~n; But he w..u a Leper : They fay, he is thus and thus~ . but &c. and•fo woHnd while they pretend to kjfs; ~hey make their pr-Rife but :aprefac~ ta -their reproach, which,iS-btU .u ~tn Archer thar ·draw-e~h,~b::taft hu hand, thadhe An-ow·'may ftJ''With the mor.e for.o'e; · ...fwlS' a:gmt praife that 'ferom ~give- Afe'lla; . Habeb~Jt (zleHtium •tbiu:en'i, She -w.u jiie111t 'When foe fPak!; for (be fpake onely of religious and·ne– cefiary things, noc medling.with others perfons,or fame•. 5•.Rillaut• dry; filEhY rotten cornmu_nic-a~iQn. Col• F S. tFti.?f.e;~ A6y®'--,ft/th) ;fPeakjng, • :Ep~ef.-'·5• . 4· .~any travelunder.the burt~~P of,a-profane , cJeft; {)h the&ft5y·hreath that..comcth out of' metll •·Olbqth-s.!~ 'AU 'fooli/hJefiitJgcometh·under this ~head': ! AriJ1btl~ts 7/Jitue O<J1~"!rfr Aist, is afin '~'Pith Paul, Ephef. 5. 4• '· . · . 'Chforv•.·3'· 3· From that''[But deceiveth him/Cif,] Hyp~crites c~me at :l-ength todeceive themfetvn•. A·lyar, by repeating his lyes, begin:. ; eth to belfeV.e. diem~(,Namr~L<;:onfcience isp:rtifieCi wich_a thew• . ~is jl11lwith.Godttdpunifu,dedeit witb.deceit ~And as they cozen :others, fa.they.deceiye~heir. own Souls;· asthe'C:arver,fdl lin loye wii·h:an Image of his own making, and thought it living. H]po· crijieerideth in h~ttdne[s·; and by cufiom men · dote·npon that which at:· firfi th~y knew was.but P"int and wzr· · nif! as i£ '.f9<{J.iJJ w«>·· as,:ceaftly tffiGcked and deceived .as -.. ' .\ ,_ .. ' -t '\. T ·- 't to • • I;) • • J \ ' ' ~ .~men. ·~ <) H•.::. • •• '1_1 .. , . '· ~ · • • ...· \ •• •. • ( ...... tt)· V;f e1'1J 1 _ l J -·llJ •., •4• < ·~ 4. "Ftom; ;lia~-'(Y':h'i.s ~ns' '!lelJ~4~ti.f v-ttin.]. P~etenc.~ . R<t i- ·gwnWM.'Utf1'.w~ilfl :': ·IJ~eru _are)ar;:nuf4tJu_with ,GQd. ;OFall ~ ~ _ .. thmg$a.,