---~--~-_.;._----:---::-----:-:---:--:-:-:----:-0 -:-- VE1U.27• An Exp,fiticn., With Nctu _ C1u.p, 1, ~-- ___ ...,.~ --~ ... . . _..._, ... _ .li#r~aj'tcf 1tbi.':lfi¥'#1- ;_ Some.are lllO . Drunkards, nonutwardly vi-– ·~~ ; 't>ut are ~h~y ~d!y er ' l:~ there any favor ~nd power of Rel(. gkffi ? 0 Are there any motionsand fedings ofthe fpirituallife With. irttheir Souls? 0 God,·that hatethji'tl~ d:elighteth 'in grace; tobelefs -e-vit, at tbe.beft, will but procureyou a-co-eleY HeH. ~ns vulgarly "<lbfenro, Wt the PJlarifees Relig.ioo rail ·upon_Nots s' Lu~--I S. H, ~tishOt enough to liv~' civilir, 'anddono.m~n wmo~r; ,the{e .mnn ·tQ grare; and theexerciie' mf gtntttf. ro I obfer~e, .thatlflM. trouble theConfcience more then1V~nt ()[Grace; partly becau[e Confci- -roced.Othoorufe to fmite forJtiritual defelJI, and pardy bOOaufe fins work an a[hut.l diflemper and difturbmt-te ·to Re!Jfaln•.•Ob, but confider; he that wantethgood works is as much hated ofGod as~heotttwarclly vicious ;-.~d dle·6ap--en tre~ is-cut dqvmts JWdl ;~,the 'flJ)/(JHoJ~t trct ; iflt b~rm frHit, aswell as if it bear ill fruit. *T;s not ~oogb for a fecnnt that hedotnnisma\ter no hurt, he muil: do his m~tfters \\lo)"k_; in the Gofpel..he had oot mif-Jftent his Talent, but hidit in a napkjn.- .' )But: i 'f.Uillle: DO the wnrds: Jfu the \!-or£! jne~efli~G1a 'tMII1to 'WQt'J.Ils,oF Ch!ir.i:ry, arid -aa·huly-€o~vaficiom,; that ~io'imty ~t both lhew themfelves toBe uuly1'elig;ious; ~Li.dth:ittb\!irnp.nofdson was that pure and immaculate faicll, which0Dntim ~ligion pr~odeth. . . . . . . - I'~ ,Rel~iv#; ~Mr:/ tmdl'jil-td] He .doth DDt: fee oownw&.t ~ is the ~'h/J/r: ·~ · of:R.etigioo; but "ondy. {ame·. ~i?4r rellimot#'suf~t ~· -R~ionalfll>trequtretb ftZidJ tmd .~Pr-~ip; hilt_ the~ of daefe isevidencecl bycharity;1rnm an ittJiy :life.': .oatld thetef0're·the Aim[ aiprifls~f mtr days~ollype!Yt:l1ttlnisp1aee, anddte ofc~pe ofdle~pofile, when theywould1make :Ait Religjon ttHlon00:4o thefeoutwttrdrs .tfls; fur the Apmtle ~s dealing with ' Mtpocrites, WM:l'l,"etehliltd·.F'Ititb and Worfojp, ~<t~~g : ~teritfo• ' , 1 ; • ' ( J ,' , r, , . , " 'JJ>fjior-erGod,jnd'the Btfther,.U-Jt~u,] Tftat is;before Go,J who is the F~.the~ of Chtill:, .and ~us ·· ia ,him: The~ephrafe :.is~ .in – .maRy-Other 'Eiaces ; ".Ow. il, 3. 'JJ.Jef[ed brt tm Gild 1111J .F.ah~r · .,f,:tJt~~'GLDr.d 'fjefm l(!J,r.i[f: 'Sh £fhcf. I~ ·3·-So£~[. 5---20• sr_, . ~)';W, ·;anG[Jti;I:Rftt/tJer-,Jbl. n'linmof »er.Lord rrf!/14OCrhrij}: ·~nrl' he•faith; oB'tffo.itdrnl., . ~tlitl in:bis-.e;?.~)and.-his~eflum. · Tiflx)· ~crites may :dt:G~i'Ve 4t1eh .for·>tbey\fee- 0nely:w~at.is withoot';. but -'GJfi. 'lh4 F.#htr_ jadg&h'tighdy. Ahd .a1fo ~this is mentioned :t() · .,\ " - imply