Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

Op/trv. 2.. \ 0/J/e-rv. 4• A14 Expojitiln, with Notn CHA'p.J! . ft~ilh, .Jude 20. ·No faith goeth fo ·high for rewards, nor is fo hol] for precepts. Well then, an tmpure life will not fuit with an 'holyf~ith ': Precious liquor mnfi be kept in a clean velfel, and the mJfleryoftheFt1ith held inapure Confcitnce, 2Tim. 3• 9· We never fuit with bur Religion more then when the way is ur.defile~ andche ht,!lrt pure: Bte-{fed are the undejiled in the-Way; Pfal, II9· y, And again, Bfe/{ed are thep~~re inheart, Mat.5.8. · - ~. That a pure Religion fhould be k._ept undeftled: An holy life~ and a bounteous heart, are an·ornament to the Gofpe) : Religion is not .adorned with C~rar~onieJ, bu~ Puritr and-(h11~it}: T~e Apofile fpeaketh?fma'king ~he •Doartne (JfGod o'!r SttV!I'Hrcome– ly, Tit. z, I o. 'Tts w-Ith us etcher tocredit of to· (la_in ourReliglorr. Wifdom is, or ihould be, juftifiedofher chitdrtn~ Mae·.u. 19•. By the innocent'.} of their lives, they bring aglory to their W'J."/, S~_-aJ:.. fo abountiful man is an honor to his profeffion, whereas acovetous man fullieth it; as the Apofik faith,Rom.5o]· FtJr a_righteimm111t 'Would onefcarcelJ dye, b.utfor 11 go.od mAn Would one even dt~~re to dye. Aman ofafevere mnocency IS ~ated, rather then loved ;•but agood or bountiful man gaineth upon the hearts pf ·others, ·they would even dye for him. ' : ·. '3• A great fruit and tokfn of piety isprovi/ion for the ~tjfliaeJ. In the 2 5ot Matth. you fee actsof charity fill up the Bill; · Wor~s ofmercy do wdl be:co.m~ them.. th~c do, expetl or have re~eived merq from God ; .t111S IS to be l.tke God ; and we fhould never. come to him,or go away frtm'fhim,but·withfcmewh&ii ofhis image in -our hearts : diffim litlldc and dif}r(Jportirm is the ground of diflike. Now one of the chief Glories in the Godhead is theun. weariednefs of his Love 'olnd Bouncy; he vifits the f,;~,therlefs and the widows, foihould·we: thej~rjt ofour ~eligion i~ for giving; and·dierdote thecruel hard .fllt.lrt 1s made by Paul a kmd of dcnp ingthefaith, 1 Tim.).8. . ' ,·~- • • . 4• Charity (ingleth out the ObjeEls th11t are moft miferable : The Apofile faith, the wrdows and fatherle(s, and that in their!{lf· jli[fions : That•s true bounty whenwe give to thofe that are not abJe to 1~k-e 'feqtiicaL: /-uk}_ 14\ rr~; 1 3~ 14,JWhm -~hou~Uk!ft d Dinner or 8up'?c:r,t c.all.i1i~~· t.h/brethrenfirfrie~idJ,< ·or- rfieh n'lj~hJ bors,&c. lt::afhduty for God,but we::have-fome fdf-aims : We .make ourgivingmany times to be a kind offoiling, andmindour advt~nMge inoLlr charity. Ohconfider, ourfweetift • injluelfCe~