upon the Epi{Ue of J A M B s: _ ------~----------~~------ influence.r fhouldfa!{on the ~o"!ergr.ounds: To vi~r the ~kh ~i~ows, ·risbutcourte.Jie; To vdie the poor, and th<It m tlmr tiffh8ton, that~s charib). ' · . · · 5. Thu charfty to the poor m_ufl be p~rformed tU Worfozp, out ofobjrrv. }• . refjefl to qod: The ~p_ofile ~-:uth, to vijit thefar~er/efs,_ts, ;;}~lf!f- "el«., wor(htp. Ac .h,nihan hath an holy art of turr;ung dutteS ot eh~ fccond Table into duties of the firft; and in refjdts to man th(y \\'orfhip God. So Heb. I 3· 16. To do gocd;·and tv communicate, forget not; for Withfuchfacriftce God is VNII pleafcd: To Jo good 1s aduty of rhefecond-Ta.ble; andfacriftce, while it was aparfof Gods worlhip, a duty of the'firS1. Well then, Alms lhould b~ facrijice; notaJin·oJftring, butathan~otferingto God: This is ·che ditfen;nce eeeween a Chrifiian and others, he can m:tke Commerce Wotlhip: Incomp;on bujinej[es he .atl:ech uponReifon.r and Principles of Religion ; and what ever h~ doth t~? man, he cloth it for qods fakt, out of love to God, fear of God. The 'wcirld is led by Intcreft, and they byConfoience. The men of the world are tyed ooe to another, hke Sampfons foxes by their tails, by their mutual inrer·twifitd imere!ls : but they, in all their rehttions, do whatthey do, as in, and to the Lord, Ephef. ). 22. So Eph. 6.r. So Verf. 7· & alibi. Wdl then, we mufi be tender of the endand reafonof our actions in civil refpefls: 0/ms is W()rfbip and fa._ crifice, and therefore not to be offered to the Idol of our own credit apd efleem, or to be done out Of private ends, but in obedi:. ence to God, and for his glory. · 6. From that [Befo~;"e GoJ.] True Religion and profcffioiz u 01:1/trv. 6. rather for Gods eye then mans: le airnerh at the apProbation ofGod, not oS1entati~n before men. David faith, P[al. 18. 23. I have • been upright btfore thee,and k,tpt my {elf frommy iniquz'ty: Tfiat•s a fruit of true uprighmefs, to draw all our actions into the prefence of God; and to do what we do btfore him. So P(P!l. I 6. 8; I . have/et the Lordalway:r before me: In every action he was thinking of the eye of God ; will this be an acbori for Gods nodce and approbatiorl? s~ P[al. I 19. I·6g. I have kJpt thj. Teflimrmieq for all my Ways are before t hce : He mal<erh that to be the reafon of the integrity of hi~ obedi.ence, /Vfy Ways are before thee; under the -obfervance and mfpecbon of God. Hypocrites c:.tnnot ·endure fuch th_ou_ghts; The Prodigal was for a* Jar· Co~tntry, a- 11 Luk:: 1S'~ way .from hlS ~ather: And ~tis faid, 'fob 13. 16. AnHypocrite Ff Will