Manton - BS2785 M35 1651

06forv. 7· 0/Jforv. 8. 0/,forv. 9· An Expojition, with Notes Wilt not .cq;;e • bef(Jre him; that, is,_be under Gods eye-· a~d .Gght. . ' . ' 7· From that [Before God And the F.tther,J We.{ervc q9dmoft comfortably, When 'Wecoi4Jider him .u, a F~tther in Chri{f. Lord, .Lord, is not half fo fwe~t as our_f:.ft~er z Duty in the Cove'n~mt .ofGrace is far mor~comfortable; noc opely as we have more help, but becaufe 'tis done in afweeter relatiou: . We are not fervants, but have received the Adoption of fons. Get an imerdl in God, that his workmaybe fweet toyou. Mercin yeeld the more fweet– nej}, when they come not ondy from apre.a-tor, buca Father : And Duties aredone with the moreco14fidence, whenWecan come into the prefence of God, not asfervants, hut fons. A {ervant may ufe greater indufiry and pains ' then a[on, and yet pleafe lefs, 8. The relieving fJf the affiiEJnl, and the unipottedlife, muftgfJ togethtr: As the Apofrle coupleth them, fo d9ch Chrifi, Matth. 5• 7, 8. Blej[ed are the mercijill,for they foa'/1 fJbtain mercy: and then prefemly, .Blef{edare the pure in heare,for they foal/fee God. Aman that is ch.Jritable, and not puu, is better to others then to hi_mfeif· qo{ldnefs and Rightermfnefs are often coupled in the Old Tefiamem; Mic.6.8. So Dan.4. 27· ·ris that men iliould fo groOy feparate_w4at God hath joyned. There are fome that are pure in their own eyes, but content themfelves with a cheap and harren pr!Jfejfi"On, Others are v iciom andleofe, and they are all for Atl:s of Charity and Mercy : and fo Covetoufn.:fs lurketh under the vail of prafrflirm on the one fide; and on the otht: r men hope to recompence God forthe exceJ[es of an ill life by a lib e"~"i!ll pru• fnjion, as if the emptying gf the purfe were a way to eafe the Con– {cience. Well then, Let the hatrJd be open, and the heart pure: You mufl: vijit the fatherlefs and the widows, and kfepyour fdves urz.. fjrJtted from .the 1-11~rld. . ., . , 9. The World is a dirty d~fi/ thing: Amancan hardly walk ·here,bnt he Lbal defile hugarments. I.The yery things ofthe world leave a taint upon our fpirits : B.y Worldly obje{]s we foon grow worldly : 'Iis hard to touch pitch, and not to be defiled. We fee io other tftings tha-.t our minds receive a tinClure from thofe objeeb With W~ich we ufually C90¥eff~: (;hrifi prayeth, fOhd7• l) • 1 pray not that.fhon-fl/oul4ft tak..,( t#.tmt414t of the ~arlJ, .but k.§ep,_ ~themfrom the of the w()r/d: Chrifl: kaew wbat a temptati· on