Manton - BS2785 M35 1651 theEpijflc of J A M E S, 219 on 'ds to live-here in the midft of honours, and pleafures; and pro– fits. ·rwas an happy thing that Paul could fay,Ga/.6."14./ a.m cru– cified to tht World, and the \V(}r/d u crucified tame: . The .wotld hated him, and he did not care for the world. The world is cruci– fied to many, but they are not crucified to it rthey follow after a flyingfoaa(lw. : z. •The luFI:r of the \~arid they fl:ain the glory, and deface the excelleucy·of your Natures. Corruption u·in the Vror/J tbrough luH, z. Pet, I. 4· Your ~~fftClian.r were made for higher purpofes then to be melted out in /uf!s. To lo>ve the pleafures of the world, •£is-as if you tbould..defile your bed withaBlack_amore, and b~i: fo tick of lufi, as tohug. ruftine{s, and a embrace the dJtng. a Lam: 4 , 3. The mr n ofthrworldare foocy, dirty creatures; We cannot converfe with them,buc they leave their filthinefs upon u!: The Apof\:le faith, 2 Tim. z. 2 T• .If a man purge himfdffrom thcfe,he{hall be a vc({el ofhonor, (anllijied& meet for the mafters ufe-: From thefe, that ts, from the leprofie of evil examples; for the Apofile fpeaketh of thofe vef{cl.r of dijhonoi1f ~hat are -ifi c-he great houfe of God, the world, which a man cannot conch wit!.1out defilement; Aman cannot hold any communion with them, bur he tball be the worfe forthem~ Thefe are fpots inyour love feaflr, {udc _12. they de- .file the company. Well then ; I. Let us more and more grow weary of the world. Aman that would always live here is like a Sk.ullion th:et loveth to / Lie among the pots : In thofe bldTcd Manfions that are above there fo.>~ll in no wife enter any thing that defileth, neither Whatfoever work.tth abomination, Revel. 2 r. 27. There we tball have pure company, and be out of the reach and danger of temptations: There unodevils in Heavm; they were b cart out long fince, and you b z.. Pet, z.., 6. are to fill up their vacant rorJms and places. The Devil, when he was not fit for Heaven, he wa! ca!l: into the World, a fit place for mifery, fin, and torment; and now this is the Devils 'Wal~, He comperf{eth the earth to and j'ro: Who would be in love with a place ot bondage? with Sata~u Diocefs ? that odd, dirty corner of the Vniverfc, where a man can hardly move ba-ck, or forth, but he tball be defiled? 2. While we live here, let us keep our felves as unfjfitted as we can : In a place of [nares, we tbould walk with the more care. Revel. 3. 4· There are a few nAmes, that have not defiled theirgarments, they fba!l walk_. with me in_White: There are fomc, though few, that efcape the taint of the world. Yon __ -·- .__ _ - F f 2 are