220 are kept by the power of God; yet, in fome fence, you mufr k_eep your[elves: You are towatch, and k...np your garments, Revel. I 6. 1~. Yon are to ad' faith upon the victory of Chnft,_..by which he h{lth overcome the world, I Joh. 5. 4· You are to commen~ your felves to God .in prayer, .that .he may /zeep and prefent ·yo$t fault/efs before.th·e prefence of hi.s glory, {ude 24. YOU ar~ todif– courfe upon the Promifes, and to work them into your hearts by fpiritual reafoning, that you may efcape the corruption that is in the world through !uft, 2 Ptt. I. 4· and 1 Cor. 7· I. Yo~ are to . avoyd communion with the Lepers of the world: We £hould c .~;~cafl~erlearn an c holy pride, and fcorn fuch company. A man that keep– {~~~ m:fcia· eth ill company, is, like him that walketh in the Sun, tanned infen– mus' nos effe {ibly. All thefe things you mufi do. 'Tis a folly ro think, that be– iU/5 meliores. caufe the power is from God, therefore the c~tre lbould not be in H&eron. our felves, The·end of the fidl'Chapter . . ·'- . I· : J ~ . .. .. l ..• - JAMES • l I ,. ' r L . -. ·.