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CHAP.2. np.on the Epiflle of JAM B s. VE RS.I•. ~!tjJJjJJJjjJfjjjJ~JJtJJJJ~JJJj~JJJj ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lfiff~WfflffJJifl,JfJJfiJJJJJJJfJW~f · fAME S Chap. I I. Verfe 1. My Brethren, bt~ve not the Faith 9f onr Lord Je[114 {hri.ft, the Lord ,of glory, with refje[l of perfons. THis Chapter containeth two fpecial.Adm?nitions, which were very needful, as the fiate of thmgs tnen were : The fidl: is againfi reipell of perfons;becau[e of outward·ad– vantages, efpecially in Church matters : The other is a– gainfi avain opinion and ostentationof Fa~th, where there was no prefence or tefiimony of Wotk:J to•c<_>mmend ir. He dealeth in the former Admonition from the firfi Verfe to the fourteenth : And in the latter, from thence eo the end of the Chapter. · In this firfi Vcrfe he propoundeth the matter eo them, which be would &ave them to avoyd, refje[l of perfons,'·becau[e-of fome outwar~ e~cellency, whichhathno kinde of affinity or pertinency at all to.Religion. The fence will be inofi clear byaparticolar Ex– plication of the words. MJ Brethren,] An ufual compellation throughout the Epffile. Some think he _chiefly inrendeth in this expreffion the Prtjbyters and Deacons, who had agreat hand (fay they) in giving ever-y-one their convenient plates. .But I know no reafon why we lhould fo · refirain it, it being applied, in all the other paffages of 'the Epiilie, to the whole body o~ thofe to whom he wrote : And here, where he di{fwa~eth them ftoin refpetl of perfon~, it feetneth •to ,have a , fpecial ,refpeCt;as no~ihg the equfll..pztercft of all Chrifiians 'iti the fame Father. Have no.t the .Faith J Faith is not taken firiC\ly,- but more ge– nerally for the profdfion of 'Chrifiian Religion, or the manifefrati– ~ns of the Graceof Chri~ in the Sou1s of his·people : The meaning IS, ' have not Grace, have 'not Religion, &c. - · . Of ~ur Lord.Jefm Chrift] He cloth not mean the perfonal Faith ofChnfil, or. as fome accon'lmodate the exprt:fsion, Faith wrooght F f 3 by