yr;, it.S r. by Chrifl: : This mltmer. ot fpeech cloth not note the Author fo much as theObjeil. Faith ef Chrift, in the intent of~he Scriptur~, is Faith in Chrifl; as Gal~ %. 20. I live by the Faithof the Son of God~ So Ephe[. 3· I 2. We h..tw confidence, and accefs, by the' Faith of him: So 'Phi!.~· 9· The righteou(nefs which uthrough the Faith of Chrifl: and fo elfewhere.. Now Chrifi is here call. ed Our Lord, becaure ~cis the proper term for him, as Mediator and Head of the Church, and by vircue ofourcommon and equat interefl: in him; tbe heAd is diibo~ort:d in the dif-re.fpetl: _of ~he mem~crt. . , , · , The Lordof glory,] Somer~ad, The faith oftheglory ofChrifl \\'i!h rcffieEt of per{qns: that is, Do. not meafqre: th~glqriiJm fmtk by thefe outward and fecular advantagf!s, or thq faith of our glori– Ol# LIJrd Jc[ul Chrifl:; for we fupply the word Lord, which is but once io the OriginaJ, pardybe~~ufe he is ~alkd fo in other pla– ~es; I Cor.2. 8. They''Would.not htl'i/C crucified the Lordrifglory : Parrly becaufe •cis fitly repel\tedout of the Contexe ; partly l;iecaufe in this place it hath the force of ~n argume:nr. Chrifl:ianity being a relation to the Lord of glory, putteth honour enough upon men, though otherwife poor ·and defpicable ; and if rcen did believe Chrifl were glorioqs,they would not fo eafily defpi(<: thpfe jnwhom there ~s th~ leaft of Chri{l. · · · With.rfjpqfl of perfons.] Cl/ '71'eN'"'71'oMi-'d.l;, Re(jJeEf afpeorflnt u had, when in the (ame c.:~.ufe we give more or lefi to any one the1.1 umeet, becaafe offomrthiltg in hu per{on whi~h hath no relation to thff<t cauje: The word properly Ggnifieth accepting of on(}s ft~ce, or outfiqe, and (Q:np~eth arefp.ett to others out of acoo6deration of fome external glory that we finde in them : The phrafe, when ..ds ufed in the Old Tefiament, is rendred by the Scptuagint by d See Ca; t~r. d ~cw~d~Nv1o '71'e_ga-cJ7rav, wondering at a mans face, as being over– in Gcn. 19. 2. 1 c;ome *nd d~zl~d at ~he beamy of it; which probably gave occa– fion to that e~ptefsjon of Saint {ude, Veri. 16• .:7dJJ~~ov1s~ 'if'e9a-"'– 'il'a., which we render, having mens p11r[oniin admiration, becau/e of a4,;aHt4ge. But, bc:for~ we go on, we mufi ·rightly pitch and fiate the offence from whkh our Apoftle diifwadeth, for otherwi[e f;lb(urdides.will follow~ Civilj~y ~.nd Humanity calleth for outward refpeet and reverence ~o thetn that excel in the world: To rife up to 1:\ (ich tnilnisnot ijmply evil. If all difference of perfons, and re– fped to th~m, were fmful, there would be no place for GQvern· m~nt