Oh{erv. I. ]ud;-3· and--the faith~~ a\1, for the effmce and object:of ir, tt lik! preciom faith, 2 Pet. I • . r. ~llt now their rerpetl:s were ondy carryed out to chofe chat ltved mfome fplendor m the world, wich amanifeft and fen!lble contempt of their poor brethren, a~ if they were unworthy their company and <:onverfe; as appeareth, not omly by ~he prefmt Context, but by Chap. I. 8, 9· where he com– forteth the poor defpjfed brethren; !hewing that gracf was their preferment; and I Cor. I I. fromVer f. 19. on-ward, Every one took_his own [upper; Verf. 22. but def}ifed the Church of God; rhat is, exclude9 the poor, who were the Church as well as they: _So th~t mark, there was not onely a difference mad~· between the poor ~nd .che rich, b1:1tgreat re.vtrence tbewed to the one, with a proudcontempt ot the other. Secondly, more particularly : r. They over-efieemed the rich, doing all the grace and reverence they could devife in the Congregation and Courts of Judicature ; yea, they went fo far, as to efieem the Wicked rich above the g9diJ poor; honouring and obferving thofe that were apt to hale them to the 1udgment feats. 2. They debafed the poor, not conlidering them according to their eminency in Grace, and high fiation in Chrifh– anity , paffing by the appearance of God in them, without any mark or notice; yea, they offered injury and contumely to them, becaufe of their outward abafure and defpicablenefs, out of a proud infolency, fcarce behaving themfelves towards thtm .umen, much lefs .uChriflians, TheNotes are thefe : I. That refpet& of.per(ons i1Jreligious matters isaftn• . We may be many ways guilty of it : I. By making external things, not Religion, the ground of our ·rcfpect and affection: The Apofile faith, 2 Cor. )• 16. Henceforth know We ntJ mAn after the jlefo; yea, though we have k._nown Chrift after the fl4h, pt henceforth k.!zow we him no more.Knowing 11jttr the flejh is to love and efieem any one, out ot fecular and outward advantages. Paul, when a Phllri[ee, looked for a Meffiah coming in outward pomp and glory; but being converted, he had layd alide thofe fldhJy tho_ughts and apprehenfions. ~ris tr_ue what Solomon faith, Wifdom With an in~erita'!ce is gotJd: When grace and outward excellency meet together, it maketh tbe perfo~ more lovely ; but the ground and :s;ife ~f .our affection lhould be grace. Love to the Brethren is an evidence, but we iliouldbecareful of the reafon of that love, that we